#216 Predictive Analysis

The new Predictive Analysis report utilises artificial intelligence learning based on historical data from the previous 2 weeks and is an essential tool for the optimisation of staff levels and …

#215 Bulk Import

Bulk Import IT Details to Analytic Manager   With the new Bulk Import feature, users will be able to allocate multiple FootfallCam counters into the Analytic Manager for report viewing with ease. …

#214 Centralised Counter Management

The Counter Management has gotten a major update. With the new update, the counter management page is the hub for all counter configuration related options. With this update, users will …

#213 4x New Reports Now Available

FootfallCam 3D+ has improved its reporting function. FootfallCam now boasts four new reports to allow users have a macro view of the performance of their stores. The additional reports will …

#211 Accuracy Audit

Concrete Evidence FootfallCam is the first People Counter that allows users to verify the accuracy and claims of FootfallCam. With the Accuracy Audit feature, users will be able to manually …