Chapter 2: Set Up

This chapter is mainly explained about the information and setup which will be useful for IT Operational Team of your company. The details and setup steps for company, sites, area, devices, user management, contact management, email scheduler, notifications, email server, Active Directory Server, security and data configuration can be obtained from the subchapters under this chapter. Complete the setup properly will make sure that your company obtained the information as desired and smoothen the daily routines of the users of the portal in your company.

2.1 Server Setup

2.2 Configure Company Setting

In this chapter, you will be briefed through the steps to edit company account such as update the company name, logo and account type and also edit the settings which will be applied to report feature. In addition, you can obtain the steps to setup public holiday of the company under this section.

2.2.1 How to Edit Company Account

Below are the steps to edit the details of your company account:

  1. After login to your account, click on Settings > Configurations > Company to access the Control Panel Setting Page.
  2. Update the required fields and click on Save button to save the changes that have been made (if any).



    1. Company Name

    Enter the company name for the FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™ account.

    (Info: Company name inserted will be apply to reports in FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™.)
    2. Company Logo

    Upload the company logo for your account with the .png format of 150px*30px by clicking on the Browse button.

    (Info: The logo inserted will be replace the default logo set on the top left of the portal.)
    3. Account Type

    Select the type of account applicable to your industry.

    (Info: This setting will be applied to report feature.)

2.2.2 How to Edit Report Setting

Below are the steps for the set up which will be applied to the report feature:

  1. Click on Settings > Configurations > Company to access the Control Panel Setting Page.
  2. Scroll down to Report Setting section. Update the required fields and click on Save button in the Control Panel Setting page to save the changes.



    1. First day of the week Select the first day of the week.
    2. Weekend

    Select the weekend of the week.

    3. Date Format

    Select the preferred date format.

    4. Start of Financial Week

    Select the first day of your company's financial week.

    5. Currencies

    Select the applicable currency.

2.2.3 Configure Public Holiday for Company

This section is mainly elaborated on the set up for public holiday of your company. The public holiday set under this section will be implemented to all site group under the company.

The importance of setting up public holiday correctly is to ensure that the data accuracy of the company.

For example, if 05 February 2024 is public holiday for the company and the operating hours is 8am - 10pm, which is different with the normal operating hours (9am - 9pm) of the company. If the day has not been set as public holiday and no special operating hours is set for the day, it will bring to data inaccuracy such as missing sales data before 8am and after 9pm. How to Create Public Holiday for Company

The steps to create public holiday for the company is as below:

  1. Click on Settings > Configurations > Company to access the Control Panel Setting Page.
  2. Scroll down to Company Wide Public Holiday section and click on + New Public Holiday.
  3. Fill in the relevant information for the required fields and click on Save button to add new public holiday.



    1. Date

    Select a date from the calendar displayed when clicking on the blank space of Date.

    (Info: The date selected will be applied to all site group of the company.)
    2. Public Holiday Name

    Inserting the name for the Public Holiday.

    (Info: The name inserted will be applied to all site group of the company.)

  4. Click on Save button again in Control Panel Setting page to save the new public holiday.

2.3 Setting up Sites

In this chapter, we will explain about the set up related to sites such as create, edit and remove sites.

2.3.1 New Site Setting

In this section, we will brief about the three methods to create new site, which are single creation of site, bulk create site and bulk import site. How to Create New Site

  1. Click on Settings > Site > +New Site button to access the Site Info page.
  2. Fill in the relevant information for the required fields and click on Save button.



    1. Pairing Code

    Display the pairing code required for installation.

    (Info: Refer to  for details steps.)
    2. Site Name

    Enter a preferred site name.

    (Info: Site name inserted will be applied to features in FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™.)
    3. Site Code

    Enter a preferred site code.

    (Info: Site code used to identify site within a geographic region.)

    4. Country

    Select the country.

    (Info: Country selected will be apply to features in FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™ for mapping the site coordination.)

    5. Time Zone

    Select the time zone.

    (Info: Time zone selected will be apply to report feature.)

    6. Financial Entity

    Select the financial entity.

    (Info: Financial Entity will act as the billing account of the site. Financial Entity cannot be selected when the server is offline from central server. Creation of site will be disabled if Financial Entity is not selected.)

    7. Site Group

    Select the site group.

    (Info: Site group added will be apply to report feature. For more information on setting up site group, refer to Chapter 1.3 Setting Up Site Group.) How to Bulk Create Site

If the company need to create site bulky, the company can contact [email protected] or raise a support ticket for this enquiry. To understand the steps of raising a support ticket in details, you may refer to How To Raise A Support Request. How to Bulk Import Site

This section is mainly talk about how to bulk import site details. This feature helps the IT team of your company to save their time from creating the site one by one. The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on System > Data > Import to access the Import page.
  2. Click on Manual Upload tab and select Site as Import Data Type.
  3. Click on Site Details CSV Template to download the template of the file and modify the spreadsheet as per required.
  4. Click on Browse button to upload the spreadsheet that has been modified. Complete the process by clicking on Import button.

2.3.2 How to Edit Existing Site

This section is mainly about edit the details of the existing site such as Site Name, Site Code, Country, TimeZone, Financial Entity and Site Group.

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Edit button in Action column to access the specific Site page.
  2. Update the desired field and click the Save button to save the changes.

2.3.3 How to Remove Existing Site

We do not encourage to remove sites, this is because when remove a site, all the historical data related to the site will also be removed. This will bring to a scenario that the data is missing or not tally. If you are sure that all the data related to the site will no longer be required, then you may refer to the steps below to remove a site.

If the data of the site will still be useful to your company, we recommend you remove the device by following the steps in Remove devices or select Store Closure for Site Profile (Settings > Site > Edit button of a site > Health Check section > Site Profile > Store Closure)

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Edit button in Action column of the site to be deleted to access the specific Site page.
  2. Complete the process by clicking on the Delete Site button at the top right corner of the page.

2.3.4 How to Modify Operating Hours of Company

Users who would like to update their operating hours in their existing store may do so with an Admin account. How to Set Up Basic Operating Hour

Basic operating hour indicates one operating hour only for a day.

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Edit button in Action column to access Sites page.
  2. Navigate to the Operating Hours section and amend the operating hours as desired.
  3. Complete the process by clicking on Save button on the top right of the page. How to Set Up Multiple Operating Hour

Multiple Operating Hour indicates a maximum of two operating hours for a day.

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Edit button in Action column to access Sites
  2. Navigate to the Operating Hours To create multiple operating hours, users may click on + icon at the end of each row of day.
  3. Complete the process by clicking on Save button on the top right of the page. How to Set Up Custom Operating Hour

Custom Operating Hour indicates the special operating hours for a date range which will be different from the normal operating hours set for the days.

For example, on normal Wednesday, the operating hour is 9am to 9pm. But on 01/01/2025, the site will be closed. In this case, the user can set custom operating hours for 01/01/2025.

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Edit button in Action column to access Sites
  2. Navigate to the Operating Hours section and click on Add Custom Time button to trigger the Add Custom Time pop-up.
  3. Complete the process by entering all the required fields and clicking on Add button to add the custom operating time for the site. Then, click on Save button on the top right of the page to save the changes.

How to Remove Custom Operating Hour

To remove the created Custom Operating Hour, select the Custom Time that you wish to delete and click on Remove Selected button to delete it. How to Bulk Import Operating Hour How to Bulk Update Operating Hour

Operating Hour can be bulk update following the steps as below:

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Export Site List button to download the existing file for sites.
  2. Open the downloaded file on your device and go to Site Operating Hours sheet to modify the spreadsheet as per required.



    1. BranchName Company's Branch Name, will not affect the setting after modified.
    2. BranchCode Company's Branch Code, will not affect the setting after modified.
    3. BranchId Company's Branch Id
    4. StartTime Start Time of the operating hour, using 24 hours clock
    5. EndTime End Time of the operating hour, using 24 hours clock
    6. Day

    We are using number to indicate the day of weeks:

    0 - Sunday

    1 - Monday

    2 - Tuesday

    3 - Wednesday

    4 - Thursday

    5 - Friday

    6 - Saturday
    7. IsDayOff

    1 - The location is out of operating hour.

    0 - The location is during the operating hour.
  3. After done modify the exported spreadsheet, proceed to System > Data > Import.
  4. Select Site Operating Hour as Import Data Type and click on Browse button to upload the spreadsheet that has been modified.
  5. Complete the process by clicking on Import.

2.4 Setting up Devices

In this chapter, we will brief through on the set up which are related to device, such as ad device, remove device, device setting, device network specifications and some requirements for using our server.

2.4.1 How to Add New Device

There are 2 methods of adding new devices, which are add device during installation and ad device from portal manually. The importance of adding all your device on your company portal is to ease the process of managing all the devices, including daily checking on the status of the devices. How to Add Device During Installation

This section is mainly talk about the procedure of adding new device during the device installation by the installer. Customer would need to share the pairing code, which is unique for all site(s) to the installer when doing device installation. Without doing this, the installed device would not attach to any site and the data collected by the device would not reflect in the site report.

  1. Click on Settings > Site > Edit button in the Action column of the newly created site.
  2. Copy the pairing code to share with your installer during their installation. (Site detail must be pre-configure before the installation.)
  3. The installer is required to insert the pairing code by following the steps in Device Configuration to pair up the device with the site. How to Manually Add Device from Portal

This section will guide you on the steps to add new device on the FootfallCam Analytic Manager manually after the device installation by the installer. The serial number of the device will be required when adding the device and is able to obtain on the back of the device.

  1. Click on Settings > Device > + New Device button to access the Add Device page.
  2. Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Add button.



    1. Site Select the site name to add the device.
    2. Device Type Select the device type.
    3. Serial

    Enter the device serial or company serial.

    (Info: Device serial can be obtained at the back of the devices.)
    4. Device Name Enter a preferred device name.

2.4.2 How to Remove Device

  1. Click on Settings > Device > Edit button in the Action column to access the Device page.
  2. Click on Delete Device button to remove the device.

2.4.3 Device Setting Configuration Device Basic Setting

In this section, we will talk about the basic setting of the devices.

  1. Click on Settings > Device > Edit button in the Action column of the device to manage to access the Device
  2. Update the field to be modified and click Save button to save the changes.



    1. Device Name Enter a preferred device name.
    2. Serial Display the serial of the device.
    3. Model Display the model of the device.
    4. MAC Address Display the Mac address of the device.
    5. Mounting Height (Lens) Display the mounting height of the camera and the lens of the device.
    6. Firmware Display the current firmware of the device.
    7. Last Allocation Date Display the date and time of the device is being allocated.
    8. Warranty Display the expiry date of the device warranty.

2.4.4 Devices Network Specifications

FootfallCamTM Devices consumes network bandwidth, allowing servers to collect and process the data into analytical information in FootfallCamTM Analytic Manager V9. Below are the Minimum Bandwidth Usage for FootfallCamTM Devices.



Data Type

Approximate Bandwidth Usage


Counting Data


6 KB per counter

Every Hour

Wi-Fi Data (Hashed)


5 KB per counter

Every Hour

Client Data


50 KB per 350 detected clients


Compressed Counting Video


10 MB per scheduled video from portal (15 minutes duration)

Three videos per day until Accuracy Audit is completed

Space Occupancy Data


5KB per counter

Event Driven (person detection by device considered as an "event". Once device detected person, it will push data to server.)

MINIMUM BANDWIDTH USAGE (FootfallCam Centroid and FootfallCam Centroid Outdoor only)


Data Type

Approximate Bandwidth Usage


Counting Data


100 KB per input source*

Every Hour

Compressed Counting Video


500 MB** per scheduled video per input source*

One video per day until Tuning is completed

* FootfallCam Centroid and Centroid Outdoor supports up to 8 input sources simultaneously.
** Measured with a 30-minute long 1080p 25 FPS recording.

2.4.5 Requirements for using FootfallCamTM Cloud Servers

This section required attention from the customers that chosen to use our FootfallCamTM Cloud Servers. This is important for them to whitelist those IP Address to ensure that the services provided by FootfallCamTM can work properly.


IP Address

Port Number


80 (HTTP),
443 (HTTPS)

[Mandatory] To enable counting data upload from on-site devices to FootfallCam™ Cloud Server. 

45678 (FTP)

(Optional) Allow client to establish connection to FootfallCam™ FTP Server, which is used for client to access and manage data for automated import or export jobs.

80 (HTTP),
443 (HTTPS)

[Mandatory] To enable counting data upload from device to FootfallCam™ Cloud Server (failover server) in case of primary server is down.

80 (HTTP, WS),
443 (HTTPS, WSS)

[Mandatory] To enable Space Occupancy / Group Counting / any other special features data upload from on-site devices to server

80 (HTTP),
443 (HTTPS)

[Mandatory] VPN server to allow FootfallCam™ Support Team personnel remote access to on-site devices in case of technical support / error diagnosis. The connection will only be initiated from on-site devices and will only be triggered if ticket has been raised and is being processed and authorised by Support Team personnel. The connection will be closed on the next day or the support process has ended, whichever come first. 


IP Address

Port Number


(Client to provide FTP port number)

(Optional) To allow FTP connection established by FootfallCam™ Analytic Manager V9 to client's FTP server to perform scheduled export and import jobs. 


Blocked Target IP Address, port number and protocol

Consequence(s) port 80 (HTTP) and 443 (HTTPS)

Counting data from on-site devices will NOT be uploaded to FootfallCam™ Cloud Servers in the event of server failover from Primary Server (, and the latest counting data will NOT be presented in FootfallCam™ Analytic Manager V9 platform. The latest counting data will NOT be available for scheduled export jobs via FTP, through API, SQL function query, or any mean of data exportation from FootfallCam™ Analytic Manager V9 platform. port 80 (HTTP, WS) and
443 (HTTPS, WSS)

Space Occupancy related data will NOT be uploaded to FootfallCam™ Cloud Server, and the Space Occupancy dashboard in FootfallCam™ Analytic Manager V9 platform will NOT be updated to the latest Occupancy count. The latest space occupancy data will NOT be available for scheduled export jobs via FTP, through API, SQL function query, or any mean of data exportation from FootfallCam™ Analytic Manager V9 platform. port 80 (HTTP)
443 (HTTPS)

VPN connection cannot be established from on-site devices directly to FootfallCam™ Cloud Servers. FootfallCam™ proactive support will be affected and significantly increases the turnaround time of resolving ticket raised from FootfallCam™ Support Portal. 

2.5 User Management

In this chapter, we will explain about the procedures to create, update and delete user and user group.

2.5.1 How to Create User Group

User Group is used to categorize users into different groups to ease the access granting procedure to the users in a specific group.


  1. There are 2 default user groups:
    - DefaultAdminGroup (hierarchy =1)

    - DefaultUserGroup (hierarchy = 2)
  2. DefaultAdminGroup is given all accesses in Company Management, Site Group Management, User Management and User Group Management which the other user groups (hierarchy>1) can never access.
  3. Other user groups (hierarchy>1) can only edit the accesses in Site Tree View, Device Management.
  4. The previous users who are admins are auto-assigned to DefaultAdminGroup while the users are auto-assigned to DefaultUserGroup. Create New User Group

  1. Click on Settings > User Group > + New User Group button to access the User Group Settings page.
  2. Complete the process by entering all the required fields and clicking on Save button.



    1. User Group Name Enter a preferred name.
    2. Hierarchy

    Enter a preferred hierarchy.

    (Info: Cannot lower than 1 since hierarchy =1 is the DefaultAdminGroup.)
    3. No. of User(s)

    Display the number of users linked with the user group.

    Click to access the Users page with the user list linked to the user group.
    4. Analytics Manager V9 Portal Access Rights Tick the preferred accesses allowed for this user group with the preferred action views.
    5. Mobile App Access Rights Tick the preferred accesses allowed for this user group with the preferred action views. How to Update User Group

  1. Click on Settings > User Group > Edit button in Action column to access the User Group Settings page.
  2. Update the relevant information and click on Save button to save the changes. How to Remove User Group


User Group with hierarchy =1 cannot be deleted since it is the DefaultAdminGroup.

  1. Click on Settings > User Group > Edit button in the Action column to access the User Group Settings page.
  2. Click on Delete User Group followed by Confirm buttons to delete the user group.

2.5.2 Configure User


  1. Only user accounts with hierarchy = 1 (admin) can manage all user accounts (create, edit or delete) which belong to the company.
  2. For user accounts not of hierarchy 1, you must request admin user of your company to create new user. (Please be noted that FootfallCam admin unable to create user for your company.) How to Create New User

  1. Click on Settings > User > + New User button to access the User Settings page.
  2. Complete the process by entering all the required fields and click on Save button to create the user.



    1. Display Name Enter a preferred display name.
    2. Email Address

    Enter a preferred email address.

    (Info: Confirmation email will be sent to the email address.)
    3. Password Enter a preferred password.
    4. Confirm Password Enter to confirm the password field entered.
    5. User Group

    Select the preferred user group.

    (Info: If DefaultAdminGroup is selected, the access type is auto-selected to Site Group Level and all Site Groups are selected to allow access)
    6. Language Select a preferred language.
    7. Default Page Select the default landing page upon the user login.
    8. Last Login On Show the user's last login date time.
    9. Site AccessType

    Select the preferred site access type.

    (Info: If DefaultAdminGroup is selected, the access type is auto-selected to Site Group Level and all Site Groups are selected to allow access)

    10. Site Group Dual List

    (Site Group Level Access)

    Select the list of site groups that allow the user to access.

    11. Site Dual List

    (Site Level Access)

    Select the list of sites that allow the user to access.
    12. Page Access Dual List

    Select the list of pages that allow the user to access.

    (Info: This page access list will be applied to the report feature.) How to Update User Details

  1. Click on Settings > User > Edit button in Action column to access the User Settings page.
  2. Update the relevant information and click on Save button to save the changes that have been made. How to Remove User

  1. Click on Settings > User > Edit button in Action column to access the User Settings page.
  2. Click on Delete User and Confirm buttons to delete the user. How to Update User Site Access

This section will guide you on how to update the access of the user to certain site.

  1. Click on Settings > User > Edit button in Action column to access the User Settings page.
  2. Navigate to Site Access section and select the preferred site access type.
  3. Select the list of site groups/sites that allow the user to access from left side to right side and click on Save button to save the changes. How to Update User Page Access

  1. Click on Settings > User > Edit button in Action column to access the User Settings page.
  2. Navigate to Page Access section and select the list of pages that allow the user to access from left side to right side.
  3. Update the relevant information and click on Save button to save the changes.

2.6 Contact Management

2.6.1 IT Helpdesk

2.6.2 Account and Billing

2.6.3 Device Accuracy Report

2.6.4 Operation

2.6.5 Dashboard & Report Recipient Group What is a Recipient Group?
A Recipient Group is a defined list of users belonging to a company who are grouped to receive certain updates. Who is it for?
This feature allows business analysts to conveniently send reports to a collection of recipients in one go. Where can I see it?
After logging in to FootfallCam V9™, click "System" on the top ribbon. Then, click "Recipient Group" under the "Report Scheduler" folder on the side navigation bar. You will see a workspace with a table of existing groups (if any). How can I create and configure a new group?
On the top-right corner of the workspace, you will see a button labelled "+ New Recipient Group".
After clicking on it, you will see a pop-up on which you may fill in the name of this new group. Click "Create" to continue.

After the group has been successfully created, the page will automatically refresh. Find your recipient group and click the pencil icon of the "Action" column.

You will be led to the "Recipient Group Settings" page. Here, you may change the group's name and update the list of individuals in this group. Finally, click "Save" at the bottom right corner to save your changes. Report Scheduler What is the Report Scheduler?
The report scheduler allows the user to schedule for a certain report to be delivered to selected recipients. Who is it for?
The report scheduler allows business analysts to schedule recurring reports to observe the trend of data over time. Where can I use it?
After logging in to FootfallCam V9™, click "System" on the top ribbon. Then, click "Report Scheduler" under the "Report Scheduler" folder on the side navigation bar. You will see a workspace with a table of existing schedulers (if any). How can I create a new scheduler?
On the top-right corner of the workspace, you will see a button labelled "+ New Scheduler".
After clicking on it, you will see a pop-up on which you may select the report to be scheduled. By selecting a report, you will see its Entity Level and Time Granularity. Click "Create" to continue.

After the scheduler has been successfully created, you will be brought to the "Report Scheduler Settings" page to further configure your scheduler. Here, you will select your entity (The list of entities is dependent on your Entity Level, e.g. you can select among your accessible sites if the Entity Level is "Site Level"), date range, frequency and recipients of your scheduler. To select your recipients, you can either select an existing recipient group or key in custom recipients. At least one recipient is required for a scheduler. Finally, tick the "Active" checkbox to mark this as an active scheduler and click "Save". How can I update the details of a scheduler?
To update the details of a scheduler, you'll have to first search for your scheduler among the list of schedulers. You can do this by utilising the "Search" or "Filter" function.

After finding your scheduler, click the pencil icon of the "Action" column of this field. You will be led to the "Report Scheduler Settings" page. Here, you may edit the various attributes of the scheduler and click "Save" in the bottom-right corner when you are finished. You may also click "Delete" to remove this scheduler. Can I bulk-schedule for multiple entities?
Yes! At the table with the list of schedulers, click the "+ Bulk Scheduling" button on the top-right corner. Here, you may fill in all the relevant fields and click "Create" in the bottom right corner. For each of the "Entity" that you've selected, a scheduler will be created. What will I receive?
At the scheduled time, you will receive an email from the FootfallCam Postmaster with an attached report in PDF format.

2.7 Data Set Up


Updated on July 10, 2024