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  3. FootfallCam Business Metrics Documentation
  4. Appendix B – Metrics Definition (Deprecated)

Appendix B – Metrics Definition (Deprecated)


Metric Parameter Definition

Metric Parameter Definition
Output Type Live

Format: [Timestamp, Value]

Description: Live output via websocket (pulsar)

Update Frequency: Event Trigger

Aggregation: N/A

Roll Up Sum

Description: The sum of the values


Sum = SUM(value1, [value2], ...)

Rolling Sum

Description: The cumulative sum of the values


Cumulative Sum = (SUM(value1), SUM(value1, value2), ...)


This only applicable to FC05 and SO05


Description: The sum of the values divided by the number of values


Avg = [Summation of all values / Count of values] in the set


Description: The smallest numeric value in a range of values


Min = MIN(value1, [value2], ...)


Description: The largest numeric value in a range of values


Max = MAX(value1, [value2], ...)

Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min

Description: Aggregation of minute data for every 15 minutes

Aggregation Frequency: Data being roll up to 15 minutes on the fly during query

Store in Server? Yes, 1 minute data is only store for 40 days.


15-min Aggregation = Summation of minute values within 15 minutes


Description: Directly from hourly data table

Aggregation Frequency: On the fly ingested

Store in Server? Yes, 2.5 year retention.


Hourly Aggregation = Summation of minute values within 60 minutes


Description: Aggregation of hourly aggregated data within operating hours or outside operating hours of the selected date

Aggregation Frequency: Data being roll up to daily on the fly during query

Store in Server? Yes, 1 hour data only store for 2.5 years retention.


Daily Aggregation = (Summation of hourly aggregated values of the selected hours) of the selected date


Description: Aggregation of hourly aggregated data within operating hours or outside operating hours of the selected week(s)

Aggregation Frequency: Data being roll up to daily on the fly during query

Store in Server? Yes, hourly data only store for 2.5 years.


Weekly Aggregation = (Summation of hourly aggregated values of the selected hours) of the selected week(s)


First day of the week determined by site group or company setting


Description: Aggregation of hourly aggregated data within operating hours or outside operating hours of the selected weeks

Aggregation Frequency: Data being roll up to monthly on the fly during query

Store in Server? Yes, hourly data only store for 2.5 years.


Monthly Aggregation = (Summation of hourly aggregated values of the selected hours) of the selected month(s)


Description: Aggregation of hourly aggregated data within operating hours or outside operating hours of the selected quarter(s).

Aggregation Frequency: Data being roll up to quarterly on the fly during query

Store in Server? Yes, hourly data only store for 2.5 years


Quarterly Aggregation = (Summation of hourly aggregated values of the selected hours) of the selected quarter(s)


Description: Aggregation of hourly aggregated data within operating hours or outside operating hours of the selected year(s)

Aggregation Frequency: Data being roll up to yearly on the fly during query

Store in Server? Yes, hourly data only store for 2.5 years.


Yearly Aggregation = (Summation of hourly aggregated values of the selected hours) of the selected year(s)


Start of the financial year determined by site group or company setting

Count_Mode 1_People Description: To group the values of all people
11_VisitorPeople Description: To group the values of visitors only
21_StaffPeople Description: To group the values of staffs only
12_CarVehicles Description: To group the values of car and vehicles
3001_Children Description: To group the values of children all people
5001_Adults Description: To group the values of adults all people
Object_Aggregation_Level Device_ROIs Description: Summation of values from a single or multiple ROI(s) from a single device
Area Description: Summation of values from the device(s) of the selected area
Area Group Description: Summation of values from the device(s) of the selected area group
Site Description: Summation of values from the device(s) of the selected site
Site Group Description: Summation of values from the device(s) of the selected site group
Time_Mode All Hours Description: Time range from 00:00 to 23:59
Within Operating Hours Description: Time range from the start of operating hours to the end of operating hours
Outside Operating Hours Description: Time range outside from the start of operating hours to the end of operating hours 

Metric Function

Busiest Hour of the Day

Busiest Hour of the Day
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN
Business Description The hour which having the most visitors entering the store within the operating hour.
Formula Busiest_Hour = MAX(Hourly aggregated PFC01_11)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group

Output Type

Data Format
Hour_Time_Period   e.g. 13 (1:00pm - 2:00pm)

Busiest Day

Busiest Day
Input Busiest Hour of the Day
Business Description The hour when the busiest hour of the day that occurred most frequently.
Formula Busiest_Day = Count_Max(MAX(Hourly aggregated PFC01_11), day)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group

Output Type

Data Format
Date_Period   e.g. 13 Mar 2024

Module - Footfall Counting

PFC01 - Footfall Count IN

PFC01 - Footfall Count IN
Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 -
cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 1
Business Description The overall number of visitors entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC01 indicates the Footfall Count IN based on the summation of RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw Log for the selected Count_Mode of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level
Formula PFC01 = Summation of RL01 WHERE MetricID = 1
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People, 11_VisitorPeople, 21_StaffPeople, 12_CarVehicle, 3001_Children, 5001_Adults
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold PFC01_T1
Definition: Target
Threshold Value: 50

Definition: Highest Target
Threshold Value: 100
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT

PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT
Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 -
cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 1
Business Description The overall number of visitors exiting an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC02 indicates the Footfall Count OUT based on the summation of RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw Log for the selected Count_Mode of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level
Formula PFC02 = Summation of RL01 WHERE MetricID = 2
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People, 11_VisitorPeople, 21_StaffPeople, 12_CarVehicle, 3001_Children, 5001_Adults
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

SFC03 - IN OUT Discrepancy

SFC03 - IN OUT Discrepancy
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT
Business Description The percentage of discrepancy between the total number of visitors entering and exiting an area at the end of the predefined operating hour for each day.
Description SFC03 indicates the IN OUT Discrepancy based on the percentage of the difference between PFC01 and PFC02

If PFC01 > PFC02, then SFC03 = [ (PFC01 - PFC02) / PFC01] * 100
Else if PFC02 ≥ PFC01, then SFC03 = [ (PFC02 - PFC01) / PFC02] * 100


For site level, only devices with MainEntrance usage will be included

Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Roll Up -
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode 1_People, 12_CarVehicle
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Percentage (decimal(0), float)

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

SFC04 - Traffic

SFC04 - Traffic
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT
Business Description The overall number of visitors entering and existing an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description SFC04 indicates the Traffic based on PFC01 and PFC02.
Formula SFC04 = PFC01 + PFC02


For site level, only devices with MainEntrance usage will be included

Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode per session

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold

Definition: Total Traffic (Warning Level)
Threshold Value: 100

Definition: Total Traffic (Critical Level)
Threshold Value: 500

Definition: Reset Alert
Threshold Value: 50

Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

PFC05 - Toilet Usage

PFC05 - Toilet Usage
Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 - cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 1
Business Description The overall number of visitors entering a specific washroom within the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC05 indicates the Toilet Usage based on PFC01 - Footfall Counting IN from Last Cleaned Time up to current time
Formula PFC05 = PFC01 from Last Cleaned Time up to the current time
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Rolling Sum
Time_Aggregation_Level -
Count_Mode 1_People, 11_VisitorPeople, 21_StaffPeople
Time_Mode per session

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold

Definition: Toilet Usage Warning
Threshold Value: 70

Definition: Toilet Usage Alert
Threshold Value: 90

Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

PFC07 - Total Transaction Count

PFC07 - Total Transaction Count
Input Sales Data (Imported by User)
DI01 - StoreCode | DateTime | TotalTransactionQty | TotalUnitSold | Currency | TotalTransactionVolume | StaffCount
Business Description  The overall number of transactions made by visitors for the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC07 indicates the total transaction count based on the summation of TotalTransactionQty for the time_aggreagation_level
Formula PFC07 = Summation of TotalTransactionQty
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of Sales Data: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

PFC08 - Total Sales Volume

PFC08 - Total Sales Volume
Input Sales Data (Imported by User)
DI01 - StoreCode | DateTime | TotalTransactionQty | TotalUnitSold | Currency | TotalTransactionVolume | StaffCount
Business Description The overall sales volume made by visitors for the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC08 indicates the total sales volume based on the summation of TotalTransactionVolume for the time_aggreagation_level
Formula PFC08 = Summation of TotalTransactionVolume
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of Sales Data: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Sales (decimal(2), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

SFC09 - Visitor Count to Sales Conversion

SFC09 - Visitor Count to Sales Conversion
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC07 - Total Transaction Count
Business Description The percentage of visitors that successfully converted to sales. 
Description SFC09 indicates the total sales conversion based on the PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC07 - Total Transaction Count for the selected time_aggregation_level
Formula SFC09 = (PFC07 / PFC01_11) * 100%
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of Sales Data: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Percentage (decimal(0), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

PFC10 - Total Unit Sold

PFC10 - Total Unit Sold
Input Sales Data (Imported by User)
DI01 - StoreCode | DateTime | TotalTransactionQty | TotalUnitSold | Currency | TotalTransactionVolume | StaffCount
Business Description The overall number of unit sold for the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC10 indicates the total unit sold based on the summation of TotalUnitSold for the time_aggreagation_level
Formula PFC10 = Summation of TotalUnitSold
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of Sales Data: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

SFC12 - Average Transaction Size (ATS)

SFC12 - Average Transaction Size (ATS)
Input PFC08 - Total Sales Volume and PFC07 - Total Transaction Count
Business Description The average sales volume for each transaction.
Description SFC12 indicates the average transaction size based on PFC08 - Total Sales Volume over PFC07 - Total Transaction Count for the selected time_aggregation_level
Formula SFC12 = PFC08 / PFC07
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of PFC07 and PFC08: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Sales (decimal(2), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

SFC13 - Average Unit Retail (AUR)

SFC13 - Average Unit Retail (AUR)
Input PFC08 - Total Sales Volume and PFC10 - Total Unit Sold
Business Description  The average sales volume for each retail unit.
Description SFC13 indicates the average unit retail based PFC08 - Total Sales Volume over PFC10 - Total Unit Sold for the time_aggreagation_level
Formula SFC13 = PFC08 / PFC10
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of PFC08 and PFC10: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Sales (decimal(2), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

SFC14 - Sales per Shopper (SPS)

SFC14 - Sales per Shopper (SPS)
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC08 - Total Sales Volume
Business Description The average sales value for each visitor.
Description SFC14 indicates the sales per shopper based on PFC08 - Total Sales Volume over PFC01 - Footfall Count IN for the time_aggreagation_level
Formula SFC14 = PFC08 / PFC01_1
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of PFC08: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Sales (decimal(2), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

SFC15 - Unit per Transaction (UPT)

SFC15 - Unit per Transaction (UPT)
Input PFC07 - Total Transaction Count and PFC10 - Total Unit Sold
Business Description The number of transaction per any Visitor Count
Description SFC15 indicates the ratio of PFC10 - Total Unit Sold over PFC07 - Total Transaction Count for the time_aggreagation_level
Formula SFC15 = PFC10 / PFC07
Object_Aggregation_Level Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Based on customer input time range of PFC07 and PFC10: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Count (decimal(0), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

PFC21 - Footfall Group IN 

PFC21 - Footfall Group IN
Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 - cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 101
Business Description The overall number of visitor groups entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC21 indicates the footfall group IN based RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw for the selected count_mode of the selected time_aggreagation_level
Formula PFC21 = Summation of RL01 (where MetricID = 101)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count (integer, int(32))
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

PFC22 - Footfall Group OUT

PFC22 - Footfall Group OUT
Input Footfall Counting Raw Log
RL01 - cameraSerial | RoiID | MetricID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID - 102
Business Description The overall number of visitor groups exiting an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC22 indicates the footfall group OUT based RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw for the selected count_mode of the selected time_aggreagation_level
Formula PFC21 = Summation of RL01 (where MetricID = 102)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count (integer, int(32))
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

PFC23 - Predicted Footfall Count IN 

PFC23 - Predicted Footfall Count IN
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN
Business Description The predicted number of visitors expected to enter the area based on the historical footfall count IN.
Description PFC23 indicates the predicted footfall count in based on last N-minute historical PFC01 - Footfall Count IN data for the selected count_mode of the selected time_aggreagation_level
Formula PFC23 = output of prediction model that takes the following input:
Last N-minute historical PFC01 - Footfall Count IN

- PFC01 - Footfall Count IN statistics (embedded in model)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 1-min, 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People, 11_VisitorPeople, 21_StaffPeople
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count (integer, int(32))
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -
Note For 1-min prediction, data will only retain for 3 days;
For 15-min prediction, data will retain for 7 days;
For hourly prediction, data will retain 30 days;
For daily prediction, data will retain for 2.5 years

PFC24 - Predicted Cashier Count

PFC24 - Predicted Cashier Count
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC23 - Predicted Footfall Count IN
Business Description The predicted number of cashiers required for the area based on the footfall count IN and predicted footfall count IN.
Description PFC24 indicates the predicted cashier required based on the last N-minute (default 45-minutes) historical PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and the future N-minute (default 15-minutes) PFC23 - Predicted Footfall Count IN
Formula PFC24 = output of prediction model that takes the following input:
- Last N-minute historical PFC01 - Footfall Count IN

- Future N-minute PFC23 - Predicted Count IN
- Threshold for queue waiting time
- Shopping duration statistics (embedded in model)
- Conversion rate statistics (embedded in model)
- Service rate statistics (embedded in model)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level -
Count_Mode -
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

SFC25 - Accuracy 

SFC25 - Accuracy
Input SFC03 - IN OUT Discrepancy
Business Description The percentage of accuracy which is the complement for IN OUT discrepancy for an area of the predefined operating hour for each day. 
Description SFC25 indicates the accuracy based complement percentage of the differences between PFC01 and PFC02
Formula SFC25 = 100% - SFC03
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Roll Up -
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode 1_People, 12_CarVehicle
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal(0), float)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

PFC27 - Average Dwell Time 

PFC27 - Average Dwell Time
Input DwellCountings Raw Log
RL12 - CompanyID | BranchID | AreaID | ValueDateTime | TotalDwell | Count | IsOperating | OperateDate | IsWeekDay | IsSpecialOp 
Business Description The average visit duration of visitor based on their In and Out time in an area of predefined operating hour.
Description PFC27 indicates the average visit duration (dwell time)  of customer, identified via the duration between first in time and first out time
Formula PFC27 = TotalDwell / Count
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

DateTime (seconds)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

PFC28 - Predicted Average Dwell Time 

PFC28 - Predicted Average Dwell Time
Input PFC27 - Average Dwell Time
Business Description The prediction of average dwell time of an area based on the historical average dwell time of the predefined operating hour. 
Description PFC28 indicates the predicted average visit duration (dwell time)  of customer based on last N-minute historical PFC27 - Average Dwell Time data for the selected time_aggregation_level
Formula PFC28 = output of prediction model that takes the following input:
Last N-minute historical PFC27 - Average Dwell Time

- PFC27 - Average Dwell Time statistics (embedded in model)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

DateTime (seconds)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) -

PFC29 - Group Size Distribution

PFC29 - Group Size Distribution
Input PFC21 - Footfall Group IN
Business Description The distribution of group size for footfall group IN of an area for the predefined operating hour.
Description PFC29 indicates the distribution of group size of PFC21 - Footfall Group IN
Formula PFC29 = Count(row) group by GroupSizeIn K

K1: GroupSizein = 1
K2: GroupSizeIn = 2
K3: GroupSizeIn = 3
K4: GroupSizeIn ≥ 4
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

DateTime (seconds)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

SFC30 - % of Group Size Distribution

SFC30 - % of Group Size Distribution
Input PFC29 - Group Size Distribution
Business Description The percentage of group size distribution for footfall group IN of an area for the predefined operating hour.
Description SFC30 indicates the percentage of group size distribution of PFC21 - Footfall Group IN
Formula PFC29 = Count(row) group by GroupSizeIn K

K1: GroupSizein = 1
K2: GroupSizeIn = 2
K3: GroupSizeIn = 3
K4: GroupSizeIn ≥ 4
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours
Output Output Type
Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

DateTime (seconds)
Default Threshold -
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

SFC31 - Accumulated Footfall Count IN

SFC01 - Footfall Count IN
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN
Business Description The accumulated number of visitor based on PFC01 - Footfall Count IN within the predefined operating hour.
Description SFC31 indicates the accumulated Footfall Count IN of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level
Formula SFC03 = Summation of (PFC01) from start of the operating hour 
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode 1_People, 11_VisitorPeople, 21_StaffPeople, 12_CarVehicle, 3001_Children, 5001_Adults
Time_Mode Within operation hours

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s)  

Module - Space Occupancy

PSO01 - Naive Occupancy

PSO01 - Naive Occupancy
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT
Business Description

The number of visitors in an area at any given time within the predefined operating hour.

Description PSO01 indicates the Human Occupancy based on the differences between the summation of PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and summation of PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT for the selected Count_Mode of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level
Formula PSO01 = [Summation of PFC01 - Summation of PFC02]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group 
Roll Up Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People, 12_CarVehicle
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count(integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSO02 - Occupancy vs. Capacity

SSO02 - Occupancy vs. Capacity

PSO05 - Smart Occupancy
PSO08 - Heatmap Space Occupancy

Business Description

The number of visitors in an area against the area's maximum capacity at any given time within the predefined operating hour.


SSO02 indicates the Occupancy vs. Capacity rate by comparing the occupancy (PSO05 or PSO08) for the selected count_mode of the selected aggregation_level with the maximum capacity (PSO05_T2 or PSO08_T2 respectively)

Formula SSO02 = [Occupancy / Maximum Capacity] * 100%
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group 
Roll Up Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold SSO02_T1
Definition: Target
Threshold Value: 70%
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

PSO05 - Smart Occupancy

PSO05 - Smart Occupancy
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT
Business Description

The number of visitors in an area at any given time (with error correction applied) within the predefined operating hour.


PSO05 indicates the Human Occupancy based on the differences between the summation of PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and summation of PFC02 - Footfall Count OUT with Error Correction for the selected Count_Mode of the selected Time_Aggregation_Level

There are 2 types of error correction, smart 1 and smart 2
Smart 1: Correction based on last 14 days data calculation (system auto correct) 
Smart 2: User set the expiry time for the count. If the count is different after the expiry time, it will be expired and corrected


PSO05 = [Summation of PFC01 - Summation of PFC02] + Error Correction

Smart 1 Error Correction = System auto correct based on last 14 days data
Smart 2 Error Correction = Add an out count when the in count is expired

Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Roll Up Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People, 12_CarVehicle
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count(integer, int(32))

Default Threshold

Definition: Target Occupancy
Threshold Value: 8

Definition: Maximum Capacity
Threshold Value: 10

Definition: Occupied
Threshold Value: 1

Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

PSO08 - Heatmap Space Occupancy

PSO08 - Heatmap Space Occupancy

Raw Log

RL07 - cameraSerial | timestamp | FloorplanID | RoiID | CombinedObjectTypeID | Date

Business Description

Duration of occupancy for a specific heatmap grid, indicated using the defined colour scale.


PSO08 indicates the number of people occupying the area of interest for the specific period of time, based on the summation of utilized duration of the selected grid(s) within the area polygon.


PSO08 = [Summation of 15-min-average-occupany / No. of 15-min period] 


15-min average occupancy = summation of all pixel values within the area polygon divided by 900 seconds

Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count(integer, int(32))

Default Threshold

Definition: Heatmap Occupancy Target Capacity
Threshold Value: 8

Definition: Heatmap Occupancy Maximum Capacity
Threshold Value: 10

Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam Space Sense, 3D ProWave

Module - Space Utilization

SSU01 - Space Occupied Rate

SSU01 - Space Occupied Rate
Input PSO05 - Smart Occupancy 
Business Description Percentage of available spaces being occupied in an area against the maximum capacity.
Description SSU01 indicates the Space Occupied Rate by comparing the number of spaces are occupied over the total number of spaces for the specific period of time.
Formula SSU01 = [No. of Spaces where (PSO05 ≥ 1) / Total No. of Spaces] * 100%

Note: The number of Space = The number of child area which includes desks, rooms, open areas etc.
Object_Aggregation_Level Area Group 
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold SSU01_T1
Definition: Space Fully Occupied Rate
Threshold Value: 90%
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU02 - Space Utilization Duration

SSU02 - Space Utilization Duration
Input PSO05 - Smart Occupancy 
Business Description

Total duration of time where an area is being occupied within the predefined operating hour.

Description SSU02 indicates the summation of time where the space is occupied
Formula SSU02 = Summation of time where PSO05 ≥ 1
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Duration in seconds (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU03 - % of Time Utilized

SSU03 - % of Time Utilized
Input SSU02 - Space Utilization Duration
Business Description

Percentage of time where area is being occupied against the duration of the predefined operating hour.

Description SSU03 indicates the percentage of total time for an area is occupied over the total duration of the selected Time_Mode
Formula SSU03 = [SSU02 / Total Duration of selected Time_Mode] * 100%
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU04 - Average Space Utilization Duration

SSU04 - Average Space utilization Duration
Input SSU02 - Space Utilization Duration
Business Description

Duration of time on average where an area is being occupied within the predefined operating hour.

Description SSU04 indicates the average duration which the child area is occupied over all child area.
Formula SSU04 = [Summation of SSU02 for all spaces / Total No. of Spaces]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area Group 
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Duration (int, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU05 - % of Time Fully Occupied

SSU05 - % of Time Fully Occupied
Input SSU01 - Space Occupied Rate
Business Description

Percentage of time where the space occupied rate exceeds the predefined maximum space occupied rate.

Description SSU05 indicates the percentage of duration where the space occupied rate exceed the space fully occupied threshold over the total duration of the selected Time_Mode.
Formula SSU05 = [Summation of time where (SSU01 ≥ SSU01_T1) / Total duration of selected Time_Mode] * 100%
Object_Aggregation_Level Area Group 
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold SSU05_T1
Definition: Target % of Time Fully Occupied
Threshold Value: 80%
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU06 - % of Time Utilization Above Capacity

SSU06 - % of Time Utilization Above Capacity
Input PSO05 - Smart Occupancy
Business Description Percentage of time where the occupancy exceeds the maximum capacity
Description SSU06 indicates the percentage of time where PSO05 is above maximum capacity over total duration of selected Time_Mode.
Formula SSU06 = [Total duration where (PSO05 > PSO05_T2) / Total duration of selected Time_Mode] * 100%
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU07 - % of Time with X to Y Occupancy

SSU07 - % of Time with X to Y Occupancy
Input PSO05 - Smart Occupancy and SSU02 - Space Utilization Duration
Business Description

Percentage of time within the operating hour where occupancy is within the predefined target range.

Description SSU07 indicates the percentage of time distribution based on the summation of time where PSO05 is in range of occupancy set over total SSU02.

SSU07 = [Summation of time where (PSO05 ≥ X and PSO05 ≤ Y) / SSU02] * 100%


X and Y are the target occupancy set

Object_Aggregation_Level Area 
Roll Up NA
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold NA
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

SSU08 - Average Space Utilization Rate

SSU08 - Average Space Utilization
Input SSU02 - Space Utilization Duration
Business Description Percentage of time on average where an area is being occupied within the predefined operating hour.
Description SSU08 indicates the percentage of average space utilized duration over total duration of the selected Time_Mode and total number of spaces.
Formula SSU08 = [SSU02 / (Total duration of selected Time_Mode * Total No. of Spaces)] * 100%
Object_Aggregation_Level Area Group 
Roll Up NA
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours

Output Type

Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, float(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D Mini, Space Sense, 3D ProWave

Module - WiFi Analytics

PWA01 - Outside Traffic

PWA01 - Outside Traffic

Raw Log
RL03 - WiFi Raw Log
cameraSerial | Mac | Timestamp | Signal | Type

PFC01 - Footfall Count IN

Business Description The amount of people who passed by the storefront area but did not end up visiting the store.
Description PWA01 indicates Outside Traffic based on the unique MAC addresses detected by the relative devices from RL03.
Formula PWA01 = Count (DISTINCT Mac) - PFC01


Signal strength threshold is configurable by FootfallCam personnel only (default: -85 dBm).

Object_Aggregation_Level Area 
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily



  • Hourly Outside Traffic = Total unique Wi-Fi detected per hour with signal strength  − Number of people entered the site
  • Daily Outside Traffic = Total unique Wi-Fi detected whole day with signal strength − Number of people entered the site

Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

SWA02 - Turn In Rate

SWA02 - Turn In Rate
Input PFC01 - Footfall Count IN and PWA01 - Outside Traffic
Business Description The percentage of outside traffic that was converted into actual visits to the store.
Description SWA02 indicates the Turn-In Rate based on the proportion of PFC01 to the summation of PFC01 and PWA01.

WA02 = [PFC01/(PFC01 + PWA01)]*100%

(PFC01 includes only Count Mode = Visitor) 

Object_Aggregation_Level Area 
Roll Up Min, Max, Busiest_Hour_of_Year
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily


Signal For daily aggregation, it only includes outside traffic within operating hour.

Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode Within operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, Centroid, 3D ProWave

PWA03 - Average Visit Duration 

PWA03 - Average Visit Duration

Raw Log
RL03 - WiFi Raw Log
cameraSerial | Mac | Timestamp | Signal | Type

Business Description The average duration that visitors spent within the store.
Description PWA03 indicates the average visit duration of a customer, identified via the visitor out date time - visitor in date time

PWA03 = SUM(visitor out date time - visitor in date time) / (No. of MAC address detected)

Object_Aggregation_Level Site 
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode All People, Visitor
Time_Mode Within operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Time (00h 00m, 00m 00s)

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

SWA04 - Returning Customer Rate in Last 14 Days 

SWA04 - Returning Customer Rate in Last 14 Days

Raw Log
RL03 - WiFi Raw Log
cameraSerial | Mac | Timestamp | Signal | Type

Business Description Visitor who had previously made a visit to the same store within the past 14 days.
Description SWA04 indicates the returning customer rate for each site who appeared in the last 14 days.

SWA04 = [Count Distinct (Last 14 days Matching Mac) / Count Distinct (Mac of the selected date) ] * 100%


Last 14 days Matching Mac is the Mac address appearing on both selected date and in the last 14 days before the selected date. 

Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site 

 Separately store the returning customer percentage for both area and site level data

Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode Within operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage(decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter
Note The aggregation for this metric is done on a daily basis and the value is shown in percentage.

SWA05 - Returning Customer Rate in Last 60 Days

SWA05 - Returning Customer Rate in Last 60 Days

Raw Log
RL03 - WiFi Raw Log
cameraSerial | Mac | Timestamp | Signal | Type

Business Description Visitors who had previously made a visit to the same store within the past 60 days.
Description SWA05 indicates the Returning Customer Rate for each site who appeared in the last 60 days.

SWA05 = [Count DISTINCT (Last 60 Days Matching Mac)/Count DISTINCT (Mac of selected date)]*100% 


New Mac is the Mac address first appearing to the device


Area , Site


 Separately store the returning customer percentage for both area and site level data

Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode Within operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter
Note The aggregation for this metric is done on a daily basis and the value is shown in percentage.

SWA06 - New Customer Rate in Last 14 Days

SWA06 - New Customer Rate in Last 14 Days

Raw Log
SWA04 - Returning Customer Rate in the Last 14 Days

Business Description Visitors who did not make any visit to the store in the past 14 days.
Description SWA06 indicates the New Customer Rate based on the unique MAC address detected for each site which first appeared as compared to last 14 days.

SWA06 = 100% - SWA04

Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site


 Separately store the returning customer percentage for both area and site level data

Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode Within operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter
Note The aggregation for this metric is done on a daily basis and the value is shown in percentage.

SWA07 - New Customer Rate in Last 60 Days

SWA07 - New Customer Rate in the Last 60 Days

Raw Log
SWA05 - Returning Customer Rate in the Last 60 Days

Business Description Visitors who did not make any visit to the store in the past 60 days.
Description SWA07 indicates the New Customer Rate based on the unique MAC address detected for each site which first appeared in the last 60 days.

SWA07 = 100% - SWA05

Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site


 Separately store the returning customer percentage for both area and site level data

Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode Within operating hours

Output Type

Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format

Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter
Note The aggregation for this metric is done on a daily basis and the value is shown in percentage.

Module - Meeting Module

PMM01 - No. of Meetings

PMM01 - No. of Meetings
Input Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |
Business Description Total number of booked and unbooked meetings.
Description PMM01 indicates the number of meetings
Formula PMM01 = Count(MeetingID)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level NA
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

PMM02 - No. of Bookings

PMM02 - No. of Bookings
Input Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |
Business Description Total number of booked sessions.
Description PMM02 indicates the number of bookings regardless showed or no show
Formula PMM02 = Count(MeetingID) where BookingID != NULL
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level NA
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

PMM03 - No. of Occupied Meetings

PMM03 - No. of Occupied Meetings
Input Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |
Business Description Total number of sessions where space is occupied.
Description PMM03 indicates the number of meetings where occupancy is not equal to 0 regardless booked or no book
Formula PMM03 = Count(MeetingID) where SessionID != NULL
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Sum, Avg, Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level NA
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

PMM04 - No. of Booked and Showed Meetings

PMM04 - No. of Booked and Showed Meetings
Input Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |
Business Description Total number of booked sessions which was actually used.
Description PMM04 indicates the number of meetings with booking and occupancy is not equal to 0
Formula PMM04 = Count(MeetingID) where BookingID != NULL and SessionID != NULL
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level NA
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

SMM05 - % of Meeting Status

SMM05 - % of Meeting Status

Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |

PMM01 - No. of Meetings

Business Description Percentage distribution of meeting status based on the comparison between booking status and actual usage.
Description SMM05 indicates the percentage of meetings based on the meeting status selected

SMM05 = (Count(MeetingID) where MeetingStatus in [S]) / PMM01 * 100%

MeetingStatus [S]

  • BookedNoShow
  • ShowedNoBook
  • CompletedEarly
  • CompletedOnTime
  • CompletedLate
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level NA
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

SMM06 - % of Meetings Ended Status

SMM06 - % of Meetings Ended Status

Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |

PMM04 - No. of Booked and Showed Meetings

Business Description Percentage distribution of meeting end status based on the comparison between booking end time and actual end time.
Description SMM06 indicates the percentage of booked meeting where occupancy is not equal to 0 based on the meeting status

SMM06 = (Count(MeetingID) where BookingID != NULL and SessionID ! NULL and MeetingStatus in [S]) / PMM04 * 100%

MeetingStatus [S] 

  • CompletedEarly
  • CompletedOnTime
  • CompletedLate
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level NA
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

SMM07 - Average Occupancy per Occupied Session

SMM07 - Average Occupancy per Occupied Session

Raw Log
RL09 - AreaID | MeetingID | SessionID | BookingID | MeetingStartDateTime | MeetingEndDateTime | MeetingDuration | MeetingStatus | MeetingAvgOccupancy |

PMM03 - No. of Occupied Meetings

Business Description The average occupancy per occupied session, including booked and unbooked sessions.
Description SMM07 indicates the average occupancy of all occupied session
Formula SMM07 = (Sum(MeetingAvgOccupancy) where SessionID != NULL) / PMM03
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

SMM08 - % of Meetings with X to Y Occupancy

SMM08 - % of Meetings with X to Y Occupancy
Input PMM01 - No. of Meetings and SMM07 - Average Occupancy per Occupied Session
Business Description Percentage distribution for meeting's average occupancy per session.
Description SMM08 indicates the distribution of meetings where the average occupancy per occupied session in range of occupancy set

SMM08 = [No. of meetings where SessionID != NULL and (MeetingAvgOccupancy ≥ X and MeetingAvgOccupancy ≤ Y)] / (PMM01) x 100%

X and Y are target occupancy set

Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up NA
Time_Aggregation_Level Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode NA
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Percentage (decimal, decimal(2))

Default Threshold NA
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Centroid, Footfallcam Space Sense, FootfallCam Prowave

Module - Queue Management

PQM01 - Queue Length

PQM01 - Queue Length
Input Raw Log
RL04 - CameraSerial | RoiID | CombinedObjectTypeID | ObjectCount | Timestamp | OccupancyTypeID | ObjectCountUnit
Business Description The number of people queuing at the specific time.
Description PQM01 indicates the Queue Length (No. of people queuing) of the selected time
Formula PQM01 = ObjectCount WHERE OccupancyTypeID = 2 at selected time
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max, Avg, Sum
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

PQM03 - Queue Wait

PQM03 - Queue Wait
Input Raw Log
RL01 - cameraSerial | RoiID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID
Business Description The duration of time spent by a person queuing before being served.
Description PQM03 indicates the Queue Wait Duration based on the differences of event time of RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw Log for the selected aggregation_level and MetricID = 5
Formula PQM03 = (EventEndTime - EventStartTime) WHERE MetricID = 5
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max, Avg, Sum
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

PQM04 - Queue Serve

PQM04 - Queue Serve
Input Raw Log
RL01 - cameraSerial | RoiID | ObjectTypeID | EventStartTime | EventEndTime | MetricID
Business Description The duration of time spent on serving a person.
Description PQM04 indicates the Queue Serve Duration based on the difference of event time of RL01 - Footfall Counting Raw Log for the selected aggregation_level and MetricID = 4
Formula PQM04 = (EventEndTime - EventStartTime) WHERE MetricID = 4
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max, Avg, Sum
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

SQM06 - Customer Journey

SQM06 - Customer Journey
Input Raw Log
PQM03 - Queue Wait and PQM04 - Queue Serve
Business Description The duration of time spent by a person queuing (from when he/she first entered the queue until he/she exits the queue).
Description SQM06 indicates the Customer Journey Duration by summation of Queue wait duration and Queue serve duration
Formula SQM06 = PQM03 Queue Wait Duration + PQM04 Queue Serve Duration
Object_Aggregation_Level Area
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level 15-min, Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operating hours, Outside operating hours

Output Type

Data Format
Count (integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid

Module - Visitor Engagement

PFH05 - Average Heat Dwell

PFH05 - Average Heat Dwell
Input Heatdwell Raw Log
Business Description Heat dwell is the average dwell time people occupying the region of interest (ROI).
Description PFH05 indicates the dwell time of visitors within the ROI
Formula PFH05 = Sum(DwellTime) / count(record)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group 
Roll Up Min, Max
Time_Aggregation_Level Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly
Count_Mode 1_People
Time_Mode All hours, Within operation hours, Outside operation hours

Output Type
Live, Timestamp, Time_Range

Data Format
Count(integer, int(32))

Default Threshold  
Applicable Device(s) 3D ProWave


Updated on January 20, 2025