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  4. Appendix C – Metrics Definition V2
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  4. Appendix C – Metrics Definition V2

Appendix C – Metrics Definition V2


Data Storage Policy

Data Storage Policy
Footfallcam regularly carries out data storage housekeeping for server stability. Unless mentioned specifically, the default data storage policy for different time granularities for all metrics are as follows:
Minutely data Past 90 days
Hourly data Forever
Daily data Forever

Module - Footfall Counting and WiFi Analytics

A01 - Footfall Count IN

Business Description The overall number of visitors entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.

The definition of A01 Footfall Count IN varies depending on the enablement of the following parameters:

  • Child Counting Enabled: Includes both adults and children in the visitor count.
  • Staff Exclusion Enabled: Excludes staff from the visitor count.
  • Group Counting Enabled: Counts visitors as groups instead of individuals.
  • Unique Visitor Enabled: Counts each visitor only once, regardless of repeated visits within the same day.

Note: If both Group Counting and Unique Visitor are enabled simultaneously, A01 Footfall Count IN represents the number of visitor groups.

Formula A01 = IF Group Counting In > 0 THEN Group Counting In ELSE Non-group Counting IN (Kid Visitor In + Adult Visitor In - Staff In)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group, Device
Aggregation Sum
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A02 - Footfall Count OUT

Business Description The overall number of visitors exiting an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.

The definition of A02 Footfall Count OUT varies depending on the enablement of the following parameters:

  • Child Counting Enabled: Includes both adults and children in the visitor count.
  • Staff Exclusion Enabled: Excludes staff from the visitor count.
  • Group Counting Enabled: Counts visitors as groups instead of individuals.
  • Unique Visitor Enabled: Counts each visitor only once, regardless of repeated visits within the same day.

Note: If both Group Counting and Unique Visitor are enabled simultaneously, A02 Footfall Count OUT represents the number of visitor groups.

Formula A02 = IF Group Counting Out > 0 THEN Group Counting Out ELSE Non-group Counting Out (Kid Visitor Out + Adult Visitor Out - Staff Out)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group, Device
Aggregation Sum
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A03 - Occupancy

Business Description The number of visitors in an area at any given time within the predefined operating hour.
Description A03 indicates the number of Human captured by sensors at certain time.
Formula A03 = [Summation of A01 - Summation of A02]
A03 = Occupancy
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group 
Aggregation Avg
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini, FootfallCam Space Sense, Footfallcam 3D ProWave

A04 - Average Dwell Time

Business Description The average visit duration of visitor based on their In and Out time in an area of predefined operating hour.
Description A04 indicates the average visit duration (dwell time)  of customer, identified via the end time - start time, in second 
Formula A04 = TotalDwell / Count
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation Average
Time Summary Level Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A05 - Outside Traffic

Business Description The amount of people who passed by the storefront area but did not end up visiting the store.
Description A05 indicates Outside Traffic based on the unique MAC addresses detected by the relative devices.
Formula A05 = Count (DISTINCT Mac) - A01
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation Sum
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

A18 - Children Footfall IN

Business Description The number of kids entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description A18 indicates the number of kids with height lower than 1.3m which contributes to A01
Formula A18 = [Summation of PFC01_3011]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

A30 - Group Size Distribution 1

Business Description Total number of people groups with size equals to 1.
Description Total number of people groups with size equals to 1.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Daily, Hourly
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam ProWave, FootfallCam Centroid

A31 - Group Size Distribution 2

Business Description Total number of people groups with size within A31_interval.
Description Total number of people groups with size within A31_interval.
Formula A31_interval_lower_bound <= Group Size < A31_interval_upper_bound
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Daily, Hourly
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam ProWave, FootfallCam Centroid

A32 - Group Size Distribution 3

Business Description Total number of people groups with size within A32_interval.
Description Total number of people groups with size within A32_interval.
Formula A32_interval_lower_bound <= Group Size < A32_interval_upper_bound
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Daily, Hourly
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam ProWave, FootfallCam Centroid

A61 - All Day Outside Traffic

Business Description The visitors pass by the outside the entrances of the stores.
Description A61 indicates the total footfall detected at areas identified as outside.
Formula A61 = Summation of Footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode All day
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

A62 - Individual Footfall In

Business Description The individual visitor entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description A62 indicates the Individual Footfall Count IN based on the summation of adult visitor in and child visitor in exclude the staff in.
Formula A62 = Kid Visitor In (A18) + Adult Visitor In - Staff In
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A63 - Group Footfall In

Business Description Group of visitors entering an area through passing by the In and Out line within the predefined operating hour.
Description A63 indicates the Group Footfall Count IN based on the summation of adult visitor in and child visitor in exclude the staff in.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Minutely, Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter, FootfallCam Centroid, FootfallCam 3D Mini

A71 - Unique Visitor Count

Business Description The number of unique customer visited the store based on the MAC address detected.
Description A71 indicates the Total Unique Customer visiting the store based on the unique MAC addresses detected by the relative devices 
Formula A71 = Count (DISTINCT Mac) with 2 peaks of strong WiFi Signal Strength
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

B01 - Turn In Rate

Business Description The percentage of outside traffic that was converted into actual visits to the store. 
Description B01 indicates the Turn-In Rate based on the proportion of A01 to the summation of A01 and A05.
Formula B01 = A01 / (A01 + A05)
Object_Aggregation_Level Follow A05
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follow A05
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double, 4 decimal places

B02 - Returning Rate

Business Description The percentage of visitors who had previously made a visit to the same store within the past 60 days.
Description B02 indicates the Returning Rate for each site who appeared in the last 60 days
Formula B03 = Unique customer seen in the past 60 days / A14
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double, 4 decimal places

Module - Sales Conversions

A15 - Total Transaction Count

Business Description The number of sales transaction performed in the store of the operating date.
Description A15 indicates the Total Transaction Count of the store imported into the portal.
Formula A15 = [Summation of Transaction Count within the same operate date]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

A16 - Total Sales Revenue

Business Description The total sales revenue performed in the store of the operating date
Description A16 indicates the Total Sales Revenue of the store imported into the portal.
Formula A16 = [Summation of Transaction Value within the same operate date]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double
Applicable Device(s) -

B06 - Sales Conversion

Business Description The percentage of visitors that was converted to a customer and making purchase in the store.
Description B06 indicates the Sales Conversion based on Footfall In A01 and Total Transaction Count A15
Formula B06 = A15 / A01
Object_Aggregation_Level Follow A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follow A15
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double, 4 decimal places

B09 - Average Sales Amount

Business Description The average sales revenue per transaction purchased by the customer of the selected date range.
Description B09 indicates the Average Sales Amount per transaction by averaging the total sales revenue A16 over total transaction A15
Formula B09 = A16 / A15
Object_Aggregation_Level Follow A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follow A15
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double, 4 decimal places

B10 - Units Per Transaction

Business Description The average number of items per transaction purchased by the customer of the selected date range.
Description B10 indicates the Unit per Transaction based on the proportion of total unit over total transaction count A15
Formula B10 = Total Units / A15
Object_Aggregation_Level Follow A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follow A15
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B11 - Product Sales Conversion

Business Description The percentage of visitors that make a purchase.
Description The number of transactions divided by the number of visitors.
Formula A15 / (A20 + A21)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operating hours
Output Type Double
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

B12 - Engagement Sales Conversion

Business Description The percentage of engaged customer is actually making a purchase in the store.
Description B12 indicates the Engagement Sales Conversion based on the proportion of engaged customer A20 to the total transaction count A15
Formula B12 = A20 / A15
Object_Aggregation_Level Follow A15
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follow A15
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

Module - Visitors Engagement

A20 - Total Number of Engaged Customers

Business Description The customer stays in front of a product in longer period, engaging the product details.
Description A20 indicates the number of engaged visitors whose dwell time > PFH05_threshold set
Formula A20 = Count(1)
IF DwellTime > PFH05_threshold THEN 1
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam ProWave, FootfallCam Centroid

A21 - Total Number of Passerby

Business Description The visitor who walks past the product without engaging it.
Description A21 indicates the number of passerby whose dwell time <= PFC05_threshold set
Formula A21 = Count(0)
IF DwellTime > PFH05_threshold THEN 1
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam ProWave, FootfallCam Centroid

A22 - Average Engaged Duration

Business Description Average duration of the engaged customer engaging the product.
Description A22 indicates the average dwell time which dwell time > PFH05_threshold, in second
Formula A22 = Average(DwellTime > PFH05_threshold)
IF DwellTime > PFH05_threshold THEN DwellTime
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam ProWave, FootfallCam Centroid

B07 - Engagement Rate

Business Description The percentage of visitors that engaged a product within the predefined area.
Description B07 indicates the Engagement Rate by comparing the proportion of A20 to the summation of A20 and A21 
Formula B07 = A20 / (A20 + A21)
Object_Aggregation_Level Follow A20
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Follow A20
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

Module - Queue Management

A53 - Number of Customers Served

Business Description The number of visitors making transactions at the cashier or counter.
Description A53 indicates the number of visitors being served by staying at the serve zone for a longer period before leaving the store.
Formula A53 = Summation of PeopleServed
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

A54 - Average Serving Time

Business Description The average duration spent by the cashier to serve a customer.
Description A54 indicates the average serving time required to serve a customer, in second
Formula A54 = AVG(Serving Time)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter

A55 -Average Queue Wait Time

Business Description The average duration spent by the visitor waiting to be served.
Description A55 indicates the average waiting time required before being served, in second 
Formula A55 = AVG(Queue Wait Time)
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double
Applicable Device(s) FootfallCam People Counter


Module - Demographics

B13 - Children Percentage

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as a child (Age 0 to 7).
Description B13 indicates the Children Percentage based on the proportion of total number of children over total footfall
Formula B13 = Total number of children / Total footfall 
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B14 - Teenagers Percentage

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as teenagers (Age 8 to 14).
Description B14 indicates the Teenagers Percentage based on the proportion of total number of teenagers over total footfall
Formula B14 = Total number of teenagers / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B15 - Young Adults Percentage

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as young adults (Age 15 to 37).
Description B15 indicates the Young Adults Percentage based on the proportion of total number of young adults over total footfall
Formula B15 = Total number of young adults / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B16 - Middle-Aged Adults Percentage

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as middle-aged adults (Age 38 to 59).
Description B16 indicates the Middle-Aged Adults Percentage based on the proportion of total number of middle-aged adults over total footfall
Formula B16 = Total number of middle-aged adults / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B17 - Elderly Percentage

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as elderly (Age 60 and above).
Description B17 indicates the Elderly Percentage based on the proportion of total number of elderly over total footfall
Formula B17 = Total number of elderly / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B18 - Percentage of People with Neutral Emotion

Business Description The percentage of people who identified showing a neutral emotion on face.
Description B18 indicates the Neutral Emotion Percentage based on the proportion of total number of faces with neutral emotions over total footfall
Formula B18 = Total number of faces with neutral emotions / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B19 - Percentage of People with Positive Emotion

Business Description The percentage of people who identified showing a positive emotion on face.
Description B19 indicates the Positive Emotion Percentage based on the proportion of total number of faces with positive emotions over total footfall
Formula B19 = Total number of faces with positive emotions / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B20 - Percentage of People with Negative Emotion

Business Description The percentage of people who identified showing a negative emotion on face.
Description B20 indicates the Negative Emotion Percentage based on the proportion of total number of faces with negative emotions over total footfall
Formula B20 = Total number of faces with negative emotions / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B21 - Percentage of Male

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as male.
Description B21 indicates the Percentage of Male based on the proportion of total number of males over total footfall
Formula B21 = Total number of males / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

B22 - Percentage of Female

Business Description The percentage of people who identified as female.
Description B22 indicates the Percentage of Female based on the proportion of total number of females over total footfall
Formula B22 = Total number of females / Total footfall
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation -
Time Summary Level Hourly, Daily
Time_Mode Within operation hours
Output Type Double

Module - Device Health Check

H10 - Total Memory Usage

Business Description Total RAM memory usage in Bytes.
Description Total RAM memory usage in Bytes.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H11 - Average Memory Usage

Business Description Average RAM memory usage in Bytes.
Description Average RAM memory usage in Bytes.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H12 - Total Main Storage Usage

Business Description Total main storage usage in Bytes.
Description Total main storage usage in Bytes.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H13 - Average Main Storage Usage

Business Description Average main storage usage in Bytes.
Description Average main storage usage in Bytes.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H14 - Total D Storage Usage

Business Description Total D drive storage usage in Bytes.
Description Total D drive storage usage in Bytes.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H15 - Average D Drive Storage Usage

Business Description Average D drive storage usage in Bytes.
Description Average D drive storage usage in Bytes.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation AVG
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H16 - Maximum Device Temperature

Business Description Maximum device temperature in degree Celsius.
Description Maximum device temperature in degree Celsius.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation MAX
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Decimal
Applicable Device(s) -

H17 - Total Raspicam Run Count

Business Description Total run count for Raspicam devices.
Description Total run count for Raspicam devices.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

H18 - Total Raspicam No Run Count

Business Description Total no run count for Raspicam devices.
Description Total no run count for Raspicam devices.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Device
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level 15 Minutes
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

Module - Others

A19 - Total Number of Active Areas

Business Description The number of areas that are operating as usual.
Description A19 indicates the number of active areas which are not deleted 
Formula A19 = [Count (Distinct Areaid)]
Object_Aggregation_Level Area Group, Site, Site Group
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Minutely
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

P01 - Predicted Visitors In

Business Description Total number of visitors predicted by AI model.
Description Total number of visitors predicted by AI model.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Daily
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

P23 - Predicted Uplift of Visitors In Due To Event

Business Description Total increases in number of visitors caused by events predicted by AI model.
Description Total increases in number of visitors caused by events predicted by AI model.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Daily
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

P25 - Predicted Uplift of Visitors In Due To Weather

Business Description Total increases in number of visitors caused by weather predicted by AI model.
Description Total increases in number of visitors caused by weather predicted by AI model.
Formula -
Object_Aggregation_Level Area, Site
Aggregation SUM
Time Summary Level Daily
Time_Mode -
Output Type Integer
Applicable Device(s) -

Updated on March 21, 2025