Chapter 3: Data Management

This chapter is mainly explained the data integrity review and management. This will be useful for data analytics team to ensure the data integrity to eliminate missing data or data anomaly to ensure the data is available and accurate for data analytics purposes. User also able to import or export the data for other usage.

3.1 Data Integrity Check

A data integrity check ensures that the data collected from devices is both available and accurate for intended business use cases. This section outlines common symptoms that may affect data integrity, along with the procedures to identify and validate any data inaccuracies that need to be addressed.

3.1.1 Data Concerns Missing Footfall Data

Symptoms No footfall in and/or out data is observed during the store opening hours for the entire day(s) or selected hour(s)
  1. Check the Device(s) status to ensure it is active, enabled with the 'Footfall Counting' and 'Site Entrance' counting usage and is currently Online
    (Note: 'Site Entrance' counting usage is only required if the data collected from this device is to be aggregated to the site level data)
  2. Check the device accuracy audit stage to ensure it is tuned or certified 
    (Note: Device is not ready for accuracy audit if it is not tuned or certified)
Checking Procedures
  • Check the device live view to identify if the current tuning parameter is still applicable for current store environment 
  • If no issue was found from device live view check, raise a support ticket under "Data Accuracy Concerns" category to escalate to FootfallCam Missing Wi-Fi Counting Data


No Wi-Fi counting data is observed for the entire day(s), which includes

  • Outside Traffic
  • Turn In Rate
  • Returning Customer
  • Visit Duration
  1. Check the Device(s) status to ensure it is active, enabled with the 'WiFi Counting' counting usage and is currently Online (How to guide)
Checking Procedures

If the Pre-requisites have been fulfilled and yet the issue persists, raise a support ticket under "Data Accuracy Concerns" category to FootfallCam Suspected the Device is not Counting Accurately


Site level footfall count is higher/lower than expected

  1. Check the Device(s) status to ensure it is active, enabled with the 'Footfall Counting' and 'Site Entrance' counting usage and is currently Online 
  2. Check the device accuracy audit stage to ensure it is tuned or certified 

* Repeat Step 1 and 2 for all the device(s) of the site which is intended to collect site level footfall data

Checking Procedures

Two options for accuracy check: 

  1. (Basic) Live View / Video Audit: Remote access to device live view or schedule video to check and leave comment if any undercounting/overcounting is observed
  2. (Advanced) Data Audit in Data Integrity Workspace: Check the site level footfall  and Wi-Fi data and identify if there is any data inaccuracy symptoms

If there is any data inaccuracy symptoms observed from the above accuracy checking processes, raise a support ticket under "Data Accuracy Concerns" category to FootfallCam with the video proof(s) or screenshot(s) 

3.1.2 How-to Guide Check Device Status and Accuracy Audit Stage

Step 1 - Go to Settings > Device Page and check if the device is tagged with "Offline" tag. If yes, perform the device offline troubleshooting.
Step 2
- In the list view, click on "Edit" action link to go to the device settings page and check the following settings

  • Under 'Device Info' tab, 'Active' is enabled 

  • Under 'Settings' tab, required counting usage(s) is enabled

  • Under 'Accuracy Audit' tab, device is under '#3 Tuned' or '#4 Certified' stage Check Device Live View

Accessing to the device live view to check if the previously tuned parameter is still valid for current store environment or if the parameter has been changed since last tuned or certified.

Step 1 - Go to System > Data Accuracy Page and click on 'Live View' action link to go to the device settings page
Step 2 - The device live view will starts streaming and when the live view is available, see if the following is observed

  • Different store layout as compared to the previously tuned device live view (Next Action: Retuning is required)

  • Different tracking zone and/or in out lines in the current device live view as compared to the accuracy certificate (Next Action: Retuning is required) Live View/Video Audit for Accuracy Checking

Step 1 - Go to Settings > Device Page and click on 'Edit' action link to go to the device settings page
Step 2 - Under 'Calibration and Tuning' tab > 'Playback' tab, click on 'Record Video Now' button
Step 3  - Start Recording and leave comments when there is  undercounting/overcounting is observed from the live view
Step 4 - End recording and save comments
(Note: Alternatively, you can also schedule video and perform accuracy audit when the video is available) Data Audit in Data Integrity Workspace

Step 1 - Check the site data readiness,
                 If 'Site is Operating' and 'Site is Certified', proceed to Step 2
                 Else, device is not ready for accuracy checking yet
Step 2 - Check if there is any data anomaly symptoms can be observed from the 'Site Hourly Data for the Last 90 Days' and 'Site Hourly Data for the Last 7 Days' graphs

Data Anomaly Descriptions
Step Change

A significant drop or increase in the data trend from a specific date onwards.

Data Spike

1. One-off Data Spike: Unexpectedly high counts occurring at a specific hour or day, happening only once.
2. Recurring Data Spike: Unexpectedly high counts occurring in a regular pattern, e.g. during the store opening hour every day.

Note: The following example is not considered as data spike as the difference between the highest value and other values is too small.

3.2 Data Preparation

Data preparation is a crucial process in transforming the raw data into a format that is suitable for analysis or modelling. In our system, we have ready with some data preparation job for our customer to perform the transformation before analysis.

Job Type Applicable Metric Time Granularity Entity Level
[Old & New Pipeline] Footfall Counting Data and Outside Traffic Data Patching
  • [A01] Footfall Count IN_All People
  • [A02] Footfall Count Out_All People
  • [A05] Outside Traffic
  • Hourly
  • Site
[New Pipeline] WiFi  Data Patching
  • [A05] Outside Traffic
  • [A04] Visit Duration
  • [B02] Returning Rate
  • Daily
  • Site
[Old & New Pipeline] Footfall Counting Data and Outside Traffic Data Patching
  • [A01] Footfall Count IN_All People
  • [A02] Footfall Count Out_All People
  • [A05] Outside Traffic
  • Hourly
  • Device


3.3 Data Import and Export

As a data analytics system, user is able to import data from other source into our portal to obtain secondary metrics, such as import sales data to obtain the sales conversion and able to export our footfall data for other business purposes. Recurring data import export is available in the system, with pre-configuration.

To create import or export job, you may follow the steps below:

Step 1 - Login to Analytics Manager V9 portal via:

Step 2 - Go to System > Import & Export to access the existing import & export job list.

Step 3 - To create new import or export job, click on the "+ Create a Job" button, then fill up the preferred job and select the job type, then click "Create" button to proceed.

Item Description
1. Job Name Enter your preferred job name.
2. Job Type Select the job type whether to import or export.

Step 4 - You will be redirected to the detail import export job page according to the job type selected. Fill up all the details and click on the "Create Job" button to create the job.

Our system provides a lot of methods for data import and export, and the export files including different metrices. For more information, you may refer to the chapter below:

  1. Export Data from Analytics Manager V9 Portal
  2. Export Data from Device (3D Pro2)
  3. Import Data
    1. Import Sales Data
    2. Import Third-Party Device Historical Data
    3. Import Marketing Data
    4. Import Site Setting Data
    5. Import Area Setting Data
    6. Import User Setting Data
    7. Import Timetable (Movie, Class, Church)
    8. Import Staff Data
    9. Import Bus Route
    10. Import ESL Product

Updated on November 22, 2024