Chapter 7: AI Apps

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a powerful tool that can enhance the process of reviewing and analysing the data. With the AI-driven workflow, it provides you valuable insights to assist you in decision-making, optimise the business operation, reduce operational cost and streamline data review process. We are ready with various FootfallCam Applications for different industries, select the right application for your business.


FootfallCam AI App


Business Use Case

Target Audience

Applicable Industry

Store Profiling App To review the store location and estimate the maximum potential as the baseline to review the store performance. Property Teams, Marketing Teams & Store Managers  Retail
Footfall Reporting App A streamline footfall data review for companywide overview, store level details and trend analytics.   Company & Site Level  All
Footfall Data App To understand the proportion of footfall distributed into various categories, such as visitor vs. staff, adult vs. child, group count vs. individual count and unique visitors vs, total visitors.  Company & Site Level  All
Wi-Fi Data App A streamline data review and tuning process for Wi-Fi related data, including outside traffic, turn-in rate, average visit duration and returning rate.  Site Level  All
Mall Marketing ROI App To identify the most effective allocation of marketing spending to achieve the highest possible ROI. Shopping Mall Operators & Store Owners  Mall
Retail Marketing ROI App To identify the most effective allocation of marketing spending to achieve the highest possible ROI. Marketing Agencies, Brands Managers and Marketing Team  Retail
Sales Conversion App A streamline process for sales data import, sales target setting, and sales conversion performance review.  Company & Site Level  Retail
Weather App To review the impact of weather on to the uplift rate of the store footfall. Site Level All
Occupancy App To review the current occupancy in the confined area.  Site Level  All
Product Engagement App Analyses visitor interactions with products using a Sankey diagram and Flow Map to visualize engagement levels.  Site Level  Retail
Data Preparation App To transform the raw data into a format that is suitable for analysis and modelling.  Company Level  All
Business Rule To define thresholds for various rules to ensure accurate monitoring and analysis.  Company Level  All
Account Profile App Allows scheduling of weekly or daily reports for different entities.  Company & Site Level  All
Import and Export App Integration for data import, export and BI Plugins.  Company Level  All


Updated on March 28, 2025