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Dataset is a set of data with specific granularity and metrics aggregated in the respective time interval, designated to be used in analytics widgets. The naming of the dataset is indicating the content, with [Granularity] [Time Aggregation Level] [Metric Module]. 


If you would like to know more about the granularity, time aggregation level or metric, please refer to Metric Definition.

Dataset Description
Site Hourly Footfall WiFi Dataset Description:
The dataset which contains site level data with hourly as the smallest time interval and available with footfall and WiFi module metrics.

- Site (Default), Site Group

Time Interval:
- Hourly (Default), Daily, Weekly

- [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People
- [PFC02_11] Footfall Count OUT_Visitor_People
- [PFC01_3001] Footfall Count IN_Children
- [PFC01_5001] Footfall Count IN_Adult
- [SFC04_11] Traffic_Visitor People
- [PFC05_1] Toilet Usage_All People
- [PFC21_11] Footfall Group IN_Visitor People
- [PFC22_11] Footfall Group OUT_Visitorl People
- [PFC27_1] Dwell Time_All People
- [PWA01] Outside Traffic
- [SWA02] Turn In Rate
- [PWA03] Average Visit Duration
Site Daily Footfall WiFi Dataset Description:
The dataset which contains site level data with day as the smallest time interval and available with footfall and WiFi module metrics.

- Site (Default), Site Group

Time Interval:
- Daily (Default), Weekly, Monthly

- [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People (Default)
- [PFC02_11] Footfall Count OUT_Visitor_People
- [PFC01_3001] Footfall Count IN_Children
- [PFC01_5001] Footfall Count IN_Adult
- [SFC04_11] Traffic_Visitor People
- [PFC05_1] Toilet Usage_All People
- [PFC21_11] Footfall Group IN_Visitor People
- [PFC22_11] Footfall Group OUT_Visitorl People
- [PFC27_1] Dwell Time_All People
- [PWA01] Outside Traffic
- [SWA02] Turn In Rate
- [PWA03] Average Visit Duration
Site Hourly Footfall Sales Dataset Description:
The dataset which contains site level data with hourly as the smallest time interval and available with footfall module and sales related metrics.

- Site (Default), Site Group

Time Interval:
- Hourly (Default), Daily, Weekly

- [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People (Default)
- [PFC02_11] Footfall Count OUT_Visitor People
- [PFC01_3001] Footfall Count IN_Children
- [PFC01_5001] Footfall Count IN_Adult
- [PFC07] Total Transaction Count
- [PFC08] Total Sales Volume
- [SFC09] Visitor Count to Sales Conversion
Site Daily Footfall Sales Dataset Description:
The dataset which contains site level data with day as the smallest time interval and available with footfall module and sales related metrics.

- Site (Default), Site Group

Time Interval:
- Daily (Default), Weekly, Monthly

- [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People (Default)
- [PFC02_11] Footfall Count OUT_Visitor People
- [PFC01_3001] Footfall Count IN_Children
- [PFC01_5001] Footfall Count IN_Adult
- [PFC07] Total Transaction Count
- [PFC08] Total Sales Volume
- [SFC09] Visitor Count to Sales Conversion
Area Hourly Footfall Dataset Description:
The dataset which contains area level data with hourly as the smallest time interval and available with footfall module metrics.

- Area (Default), Area Group

Time Interval:
- Hourly (Default), Daily, Weekly

- [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People (Default)
- [PFC02_11] Footfall Count OUT_Visitor People
- [PFC01_3001] Footfall Count IN_Children
- [PFC01_5001] Footfall Count IN_Adult
- [SFC04_11] Traffic_Visitor People
- [PFC05_1] Toilet Usage_All People
- [PFC21_11] Footfall Group IN_Visitor People
- [PFC22_11] Footfall Group OUT_Visitor People
- [PFC27_1] Dwell Time_All People
Area Daily Footfall Dataset Description:
The dataset which contains area level data with day as the smallest time interval and available with footfall module metrics.

- Area (Default), Area Group

Time Interval:
- Daily (Default), Weekly, Monthly

- [PFC01_11] Footfall Count IN_Visitor People (Default)
- [PFC02_11] Footfall Count OUT_Visitor People
- [PFC01_3001] Footfall Count IN_Children
- [PFC01_5001] Footfall Count IN_Adult
- [SFC04_11] Traffic_Visitor People
- [PFC05_1] Toilet Usage_All People
- [PFC21_11] Footfall Group IN_Visitor People
- [PFC22_11] Footfall Group OUT_Visitor People
- [PFC27_1] Dwell Time_All People
Updated on July 26, 2023