The Device Setting page allows the user to view/configure the following aspects of a device. The following are some actions that the user can perform on this page:
1) Edit Device Information and Configuration
2) Toggle Remote Access
3) Edit Bandwidth Limit
4) Generate Accuracy Certificate
5) Perform Accuracy Audit
6) Deallocate and Re-Allocate Device
Edit Device Information and Configuration
If the user possesses permission to edit a device, he may edit these fields and save his changes.
The user can edit the device Name in the "Device Info" tab.
The user can edit these fields in the "Settings" tab.
Click "Save" to save all changes.
After refreshing the page, the changes applied are visible in the "Action Log" tab.
Toggle Remote Access
If the user possesses the permission to edit a device and the device supports the "Remote Access" feature, he may toggle the device's remote access.
In the "Settings" tab, go to the "Security & Privacy" section and click the "Remote Access" switch.
Click the "Save" button.
Reload the page after the changes have been saved.
The Remote Access URL is now available. Click on the URL to proceed to the login page of the device's remote access.
The user will be redirected to this page after clicking the link.
Edit Bandwidth Limit
If the user possesses permission to edit a device, he may update the bandwidth limits of a device.
Click the "Update Bandwidth Limit" button in the "Bandwidth Limit" tab.
In the pop-up, click the "+ New Row" button.
In the subsequent pop-up, enter the desired values, then click "Add".
Click "Save" to save this bandwidth limit or click "+ New Row" to add more bandwidth limits to be saved in one go.
If the action is successful, a notification will indicate so in the top-right corner. The user can also refresh the page and view the "Activity Log" in the "Bandwidth Limit" tab to see the latest changes.
Generate Accuracy Certificate
If the device has been certified, there will be a link to view the certificate.
Click this "View" link in the Data Integrity tab.
The user will be redirected to a page where the Accuracy Certificate is shown.
Perform Accuracy Audit
The user can access the relevant pages to perform an accuracy audit of this device
Click this "Accuracy Audit" link in the Data Integrity tab.
The user will be redirected to a page where Accuracy Audit is performed.
Deallocate and Re-Allocate Device
If the user possesses permission to delete a device, he may deallocate the device with the following steps:
Click the "Delete Device" button.
Click "Yes" to confirm the action. The user will then be redirected back to the list of devices.
If the user possesses permission to create a device, he may follow these steps to (re-)allocate a device.
At the list of devices, click the "+ New Device" button.
Fill in all the details. Then, click "Submit".
Return to the list of devices. Then, click the "Edit" link of the newly allocated device to go to its Device Settings page.