Metrics Configurations

1.1 Staff MAC Exclusion (Wi-Fi Counting only)

Wi-Fi counting is designed to track Wi-Fi signals emitted from visitors' personal devices. However, it requires excluding stationary WiFi devices. Wi-Fi device list can be classified into 2 categories:

  • Stationary devices - Wi-Fi Access Points, office equipment such as printers and fax machines etc.

  • Personal devices - smartphones, tablets etc

For Wi-Fi signals which are in the Stationary Device List and Staff List, the Wi-Fi tracking algorithm would ignore it automatically

1.1.1 Automate Mac Address Exclusion

Automate Mac Address Exclusion is a feature where the counter able to auto detect mac address that might be a staff of the store.

Rules for automate Mac address exclusion:

  1. if the Mac address of a device appear more than 4 hours per day and consecutively 3 days

Therefore, these staff Mac address will be excluded from the report under Wi-fi analytic module. User can view these autos detected staff Mac address from the portal which is under Advance setting section of Site page. 

The auto detected mac address can only view by user; it is not editable. If user want to manually configure or add a new Mac for exclusion, user can use Manual Mac Address Exclusion. 

1.1.2 Manual Mac Address Exclusion

Manual Mac Address Exclusion is the part where user able to manually insert the Mac address they wanted to exclude for Wi-fi analytic module. User can go to the Site page --> Advance setting for configuration. In order to add new mac, user can click on the New Mac Address button. 

User can key in the Mac address to be excluded as well as the name of the staff act as identifier for this device.


A new row should be added to the row after user successfully added a new Mac address.


For Manual Mac Exclusion, user can also edit the Mac they manually added previously. 

1.2 Metric Threshold

Metric threshold is a feature to set a threshold to indicate the region of interest or to alert user when a threshold is breached. Metric threshold serves different purposes in different widget and situation. This section is focus on the configuration for the metric threshold. There are two major parts for metric threshold configuration, which are metric threshold definition and metric threshold setting.

1.2.1 Metric Threshold Definition

Metric threshold definition is to setup the definition for metrics and to be used in metric threshold setting. 

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™: via browser.

STEP 2 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Definition to access the Metric Threshold Definition page.

Item Description
1. Metric Code Metric code for the metric.
2. Metric Type of metric.
3. Threshold Threshold type.
4. Definition Definition for the metric and threshold combination.
5. Action To trigger the metric threshold definition setting pop up. Create New Metric Threshold Definition

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Definition to access the Metric Threshold Definition page.

STEP 2 - Click on + New Threshold Definition to trigger the threshold definition form pop up.

STEP 3 - Select the metric type and threshold type, then define the threshold usage.

STEP 4 - Complete the process by click on the Save button.

Item Description
1. Metric Select the metric type.
2. Threshold Select the threshold type.
3. Definition Enter the definition for the selected metric type and threshold type. Manage Metric Threshold Definition

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Definition to access the Metric Threshold Definition page.

STEP 2 - Select the threshold definition to be updated and click Edit to trigger the threshold definition form pop up.

STEP 3 - Update the threshold definition and complete the process by click on Save button. Delete Metric Threshold Definition

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Definition to access the Metric Threshold Definition page.

STEP 2 - Select the threshold definition to be updated and click Edit to trigger the threshold definition form pop up.

STEP 3 - Click on Delete Threshold Definition button to complete the deletion.

1.2.2 Metric Threshold Setting

After the metric threshold definition is configured, access metric threshold setting to set the threshold value.

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™: via browser.

STEP 2 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Setting to access the Metric Threshold Setting page.

Item Description
1. Metric Code Metric code for the metric.
2. Metric Type of metric.
3. Threshold Threshold type.
4. Definition Definition for the metric and threshold combination.
5. Type

The type of the threshold level. There are 6 types of threshold level:

  • Company Wide
  • Site Specific
  • Site Group
  • Area Specific
  • Area group
  • Widget (Widget threshold can only be created and deleted in the widget setup.)
6. Threshold Value The value for the metric threshold.
7. Site The site that the threshold is applied to.
8. Site Group The site group that the threshold is applied to.
9. Area The area that the threshold is applied to.
10. Area Group The area group that the threshold is applied to.
11. Widget ID The widget ID that the threshold is applied to.
12. Action To access the metric threshold setting form.

Differentiate Site and Area:

Case 1: If the site contains in-store counters, then the threshold needs to be set with type Area Specific to avoid complication.

Case 2: If the site does not contain any in-store counter, then the threshold can be set with type Site Specific. Create New Metric Threshold Setting


Widget threshold only can be created or deleted while setting up the widget.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Setting to access the Metric Threshold Setting page.

STEP 2 - Click on + New Threshold to access the Metric Threshold Setting form.

STEP 3 - Select the metric, threshold and type, update the threshold value in the Metric Threshold Setting form.

STEP 4 - Click on Save button to save the setting. Manage Metric Threshold Setting


For widget threshold only the threshold value can be updated.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Setting to access the Metric Threshold Setting page.

STEP 2 - Select the threshold to be updated and click Edit to trigger the metric threshold setting form pop up.

STEP 3 - Update the required field and click on Save button to save the setting. Delete Metric Threshold Setting


If the widget threshold is still in use, the threshold cannot be deleted.

STEP 1 - Click on Setting > Metric Threshold Setting to access the Metric Threshold Setting page.

STEP 2 - Select the threshold to be updated and click Edit to trigger the metric threshold setting form pop up.

STEP 3 - Click on Delete Threshold Definition button to complete the deletion.

1.3 Wi-Fi Configuration


We strongly recommend to adjust Wi-Fi calibration whenever it is possible, increase Wi-Fi threshold only when the counter is not sensitive enough to pick up Wi-Fi signal (outside traffic is close to 0 and increasing Wi-Fi calibration does not increase outside traffic).

Wi-Fi threshold, shopper threshold, and wifi scaling factor is responsible for the outside traffic data of a site. Shopper threshold is hidden from the user and will automatically be adjusted according to Wi-Fi threshold.

Wifi-Threshold is a negative value range from -85 to -51 (-85 means maximum sensitivity).
By Default, the Wi-Fi threshold is set to -51.

Wi-Fi calibration value also known as Wi-Fi scaling factor is a multiplication factor that applied to the outside traffic data at the end of the calculation. This metric is a safer and easier way of adjusting the outside traffic, since it will not affect how much Wi-Fi signal is collected by the device. By directly scaling current outside traffic value, a desired outside traffic can be achieved via the Wi-Fi calibration adjustment. By default, the Wi-Fi calibration value is set to 2

Example Use Case

Outside traffic : 1000
visitor in : 800

The outside traffic is similar to visitor in; however this value is less than the expected value.
Adjust the Wi-Fi calibration from original value (2) to 3x original value (6) to match the outside traffic trend of the site.

Result in the next day:
Outside traffic: 3000
visitor in: 800

1.3.1 Adjust Wi-Fi Configurations at Company Level

By adjusting the Wi-Fi configuration at company level, all newly installed devices will use the company level metric values as default, instead of the the original default (Wi-Fi threshold = -85 and Wi-Fi calibration value = 2).

STEP 1 - Access to FootfallCam Analytic Manager V9™:

STEP 2 - Click on Setting > Company to access the Control panel setting page.

STEP 3 - Navigate to Threshold settings panel at the middle and adjust the range to the user's liking.


Please ensure the wifi threshold is a negative number, otherwise the setting will not be saved. New metric settings will be applied to new devices only,allocated devices will not be affected.

STEP 4 - Complete the process by click the Save button at top right of the Control panel setting page.

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is compnay-wifi-setting.png

Updated on October 2, 2024