V9 Server API

This section describes the list of available cubes and their dimensions and measures. The cubes are callable from cube.footfallcam.com using REST API or SQL API. The returned data is governed by data storage policy: Appendix C - Metrics Definition V2 - FootfallCam. The returned data is also limited to 1000000 rows.

This cube provides information for each main entrance area of each site. It returns all value combinations of selected dimensions and aggregates the selected measures.
CompanyName The name of the company which owns the site.
SiteName The name of the site.
SiteId The identifier of the site.
SiteCode The code name of the site.
SiteGroupName The name of the group of the site.
SiteVerifiedDate Verified datetime of the site. Returns '1900-01-01 00:00:00' if the site is not verified.
This cube provides information for each main entrance area of each site. Users can narrow down site selection and time range for faster query load time. It returns all value combinations of selected dimensions and aggregates the selected measures.
CompanyName The name of the company which owns the site.
SiteName The name of the site.
SiteId The identifier of the site.
SiteCode The code name of the site.
SiteGroupName The name of the group of the site.
Time Local time of the site. Time granularity respects metric documentation. Valid granularity inputs are ('day','hour','minute'). The default granularity is 'day'. This dimension cannot be used together with Time15Minute dimension.
Time15Minute Local time of the site rounded down to 15-minute interval period. This dimension cannot be used together with Time dimension.
IsOperating 1 if the site is operating, 0 otherwise.
IsSiteVerified 1 if the site is verified, 0 otherwise.

'Complete' if there is no data hole. 'Missing Data' if there is data hole. 'Precheck' if pending for checking. 'Late Data' if there is late data and will be updated to 'Complete' or 'Missing Data' in the future.

Measures All measures below are considered at main entrance only. For further details about them please refer to metric documentation: Appendix C - Metrics Definition V2 - FootfallCam.
A01 (Total Footfall In Count) Number of footfalls count that go into the main entrance area of the site.
A02 (Total Footfall Out Count) Number of footfalls count that exits the main entrance area of the site.
A03 (Average Occupancy) Average number of people detected on that site.
A04 (Average Dwell Time) Average time spent by people on that site.
A18 (Total Children Footfall In Count) Number of children that go into the main entrance area of the site.
A05 (Total Outside Traffic Count) Number of visitors that is detected outside the side.
B01 (Average Turn-in Rate) Fraction of total footfall traffic that visits the site.
B02 (Average Visitor Returning Rate) Fraction of visitors that return to the site in the past 60 days.
This cube provides information for each area within a site. Users can narrow down site, area, and time range for faster query load time. It returns all value combinations of selected dimensions and aggregates the selected measures.
CompanyName The name of the company that owns the area.
SiteName The name of the site that owns the area.
AreaName The name of the area of the site.
AreaGroupName The name of the group that the area belongs in.
Time Local time of the site. Time granularity respects metric documentation. Valid granularity inputs are ('day','hour','minute'). The default granularity is 'day'.
Measures For further details about them please refer to metric documentation: Appendix C - Metrics Definition V2 - FootfallCam.
A01 (Total Footfall In Count) Number of visitors that enter the area.
A02 (Total Footfall Out Count) Number of visitors that exit the area.
A03 (Average Occupancy) Number of visitors that is the detected within the area.
A04 (Average Visit Duration) Average time spent by visitors within the area.
A18 (Total Children Footfall In Count) Number of children that enter the area.
A05 (Total Outside Traffic Count) Number of visitors that is detected outside the area.
B01 (Average Turn-in Rate) Fraction of total footfall traffic that visits the site.
B02 (Average Visitor Returning Rate) Fraction of visitors that return to the area in the past 60 days.
This cube provides information for each device. Users can narrow down site and time range for faster query load time. It returns all value combinations of selected dimensions and aggregates the selected measures.
CompanyId The Id of the company which owns the device.
CompanyName The name of the company which owns the device.
SiteId The Id of the site which device is allocated to.
SiteName The name of the site which device is allocated to.
CompanySerial A serial assigned to the device.
Time Local time of the site. Time granularity respects metric documentation. Valid granularity inputs are ('day','hour','minute'). The default granularity is 'day'.
Measures For further details about them please refer to metric documentation: Appendix C - Metrics Definition V2 - FootfallCam.
A01 (Total Footfall In Count) Number of visitors that pass through IN line of the device.
A02 (Total Footfall Out Count) Number of visitors that pass through OUT line of the device.
A03 (Average Occupancy) Number of visitors detected within device sensor's range.
A04 (Average Visit Duration) Time spent by visitors within the device sensor's range.
A18 (Total Children Footfall In Count) Number of children who pass through IN line of the device.
A05 (Total Outside Traffic Count)  Number of visitors detected by device's Wi-Fi sensor.

REST API Example

This section explains how to obtain data through REST API. User can use application like Postman to call the API. The query body is in JSON format. The REST API requires bearer token header which can be obtained via Access Token - FootfallCam. The example below shows how to obtain total daily visitors in count of Site A and Site B from ffc_site_summary cube from 1 October 2024 to 25 October 2024. It also limits the number of returned rows to 10000.

Endpoint https://cube.footfallcam.com/API/v1/load
Method POST
Header Bearer [Access Token]
    "query": {
        "measures": [
        "dimensions": [
        "timeDimensions": [
                "dimension": "ffc_site_summary.Time",
                "granularity": "day",
                "dateRange": [
        "filters": [
                "member": "ffc_site_summary.SiteName",
                "operator": "equals",
                "values": [
                    "Site A",
                    "Site B"
        "limit": 10000

SQL API Example

This section describes how to obtain data from V9 server using SQL API. Popular applications such as PowerBI and Dbeaver use this method. The example below shows how to obtain total daily visitors in count from site_summary cube with branch name dimension from 1 October 2024 to 25 October 2024. It also limits the number of returned rows to 10000.

Connection URL cube.footfallcam.com:6432
Driver Postgresql
SQL Statement

SELECT BranchName, DATE_TRUNC('day',Time), A01
FROM ffc_site_summary
WHERE Time BETWEEN '2024-10-01' AND '2024-10-25'
LIMIT 10000

Updated on March 7, 2025