By Role

An unified software analytics platform designed for multiple stakeholders with different business needs.


FootfallCam empowers CEOs with a unified data view, facilitating a macro-level review of the company's performance. Our “CEO reports” offer a holistic view of footfall trends and market dynamics, providing a comprehensive understanding of overall company performance. Utilising FootfallCam AI, the system recommends store categorisation based on identified common characteristics, aiding CEO in setting more efficient and effective company-wide sales targets.

FootfallCam -  Bird’s eye view on market dynamics
FootfallCam - Company Target Setting
FootfallCam - Categorise Store Profile

Regional Managers

Regional Managers regularly review overall sales performance to take immediate action for improvement and maximise store sales potential. FootfallCam offers different granularity, enabling monitoring of sales performance against annual, quarterly, and monthly targets. With automated leaderboard analytics, Regional Managers can easily identify high-performing and underperforming stores, enabling them to delve into individual store performance for deeper insights and data-driven decision-making.

FootfallCam - Company Sales Performance Review
FootfallCam - Store Performance Benchmarking
FootfallCam - Zoom in into individual performance

Store Managers

Store managers are responsible for ensuring store staff meet company-set sales targets. With FootfallCam's mobile dashboard, they can access real-time sales and footfall performance on-the-go. Managers can benchmark their store's performance against others in the same cluster. FootfallCam AI and real-time sales dashboards provide actionable recommendations to help staff achieve sales targets, enabling more systematic staff performance management.

FootfallCam - Overview of Store Performance
FootfallCam - Benchmarking
FootfallCam - Sales Tracker at Store

IT Professionals

Elevate IT system management effortlessly with FootfallCam. Any IT Professionals can attain full system health visibility and guarantee data availability. Proactively identify and tackle potential issues for seamless operations and minimised downtime, boosting overall reliability. Features encompass proactive system health checks, data integrity assurance, automated alerts, user access control, and a versatile billing system interfacing with financial entities.

FootfallCam - 360° Summary
FootfallCam - Device Management
FootfallCam - Account Management

Data Scientists

Data scientists demand a versatile people counting software platform that facilitates in-depth data analysis. It empowers them to dissect footfall data from various angles, using data visualisation tools like pivot tables, widgets, graphs, and charts. This flexibility allows for comprehensive data manipulation, including drilling up and down with different data granularity levels, providing valuable insights and revealing meaningful correlations, supporting more in-depth analysis.

FootfallCam - Business Metrics Integration
FootfallCam - Investigative Analysis
FootfallCam - Data Modelling

System Integrators

A system integrator looks for a people counting software platform that streamlines operational workflows and allows for easy configuration of business rules. They need custom alerts and thresholds, robust data import and export capabilities, and the flexibility to include custom scripts. FootfallCam platform provides these features that enable strategic planning alignment with specific business requirements.

FootfallCam - System Integration
FootfallCam - Customised Workflow
FootfallCam - Add Your Scripts for Extensibility