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People Counting System with Support & Services

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FootfallCam extends its support for project deployment on a global scale.

  • People Counting
  • Europe
  • Switzerland

People Counting in Switzerland

La Suisse a adopté l'utilisation de compteurs de personnes pour automatiser et standardiser les opérations. FootfallCam, avec son moteur de règles personnalisable, permet d'alerter les utilisateurs lorsqu'un événement est déclenché, permettant ainsi une action rapide. Les magasins de détail, les attractions touristiques, les cafétérias et les bureaux de Zurich, Genève, Bâle, Lausanne et Berne en ont bénéficié. Nos partenaires s'engagent à fournir le plus haut niveau de service aux entreprises locales.

Die Schweiz hat den Einsatz von Personen Zählern eingeführt, um Abläufe zu automatisieren und zu standardisieren. FootfallCam hilft mit seiner anpassbaren Regel-Engine dabei, Benutzer zu benachrichtigen, wenn ein Ereignis ausgelöst wird, und ermöglicht so zeitnahe Maßnahmen. Davon profitierten Einzelhandelsgeschäfte, Touristenattraktionen, Cafeterien und Büros in Zürich, Genf, Basel, Lausanne und Bern. Unsere Partner sind bestrebt, den lokalen Unternehmen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten.

Local Case Studies

Some of our local deployments across multiple industries.


    GANT, a prestigious premium lifestyle fashion brand, has installed footfall counters across its outlets. This technology precisely measures store occupancy levels, offering essential retail analytics that assist decision-makers in evaluating the success of marketing strategies.

    Local Case Studies

    The global renowned company famed for its Swiss Army Knives, Victorinox, has implemented FootfallCam in its stores across Switzerland, Austria, Germany, the UK, the Czech Republic, France and Hong Kong, serving as a critical tool to monitor regional operational performance.

    Local Case Studies

    Genesis, the luxury automotive brand, has rolled out the FootfallCam system in its experience studios and showrooms throughout the UK, Germany, and Switzerland. This system provide the management with better insight into visitor engagement, improving overall customer experience.

    Local Case Studies

    The Swiss eyewear company, VIU, has deployed 3D people counter for its outlets across Germany, Switzerland and Austria. The deployment serves as a part of its operation strategy to understand the footfall trend of its stores, enabling management to monitor the regional store performance.

    Local Case Studies

    The Swiss luxury bathroom solutions provider has implemented a traffic counter for its showrooms. The solution accurately tracks the occupancy level of different zones within the showroom, enabling management to understand customer behavior and preferences towards the products.

    Local Case Studies

    Eisfeld Langnau, an ice rink complex located in Emmental, Switzerland, has been equipped with a people counting system to provide occupancy data. The technology enables the management to effectively manage people flow, preventing overcrowding and ensuring the safety of all visitors.

    Local Case Studies

    The Geneva Ethnography Museum (MEG), one of Switzerland's most significant ethnographic museums, has implemented a footfall counter within its premises. This system precisely monitors the number of visitors in various areas of the building, including galleries, the museum shop, and the cafeteria.

    Local Case Studies

    The French perfumes and beauty retail giant, Marionnaud, has installed the FootfallCam system in its stores across France, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. The deployment provides the management with valuable data on in-store footfall, facilitating performance monitoring across regional outlets.

    Local Case Studies

    The homegrown Swiss chocolatier, Läderach, has implemented a people counting system in its stores across Switzerland, Germany and the United Kingdom. This system provides a macro view of the effectiveness of regional marketing initiatives and store performance.

    Read the case study
    Local Case Studies

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and I would like to buy people counters in my country. Do you have any local representatives?”

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and I am selling IT products in my region, and I am interested in adding People Counting products in my portfolio.”

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Local Partners

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Satiscan Sàrl

Satiscan Sàrl

Satiscan Sarl integriert die Lösungen von FootfallCam zur Personen­zählung in ihre Dienstleistungen. Sie bieten Webanwendungen, Software und ethische Datenanalyse für Meinungsumfragen an.

Carouge, Switzerland

Authorised Reseller

Analysis Simulation Engineering

Analysis Simulation Engineering

By leveraging real-time data and AI-driven analysis, ASE offers tailored solutions for maximizing space utilization, improving safety, and enhancing the overall customer experience.

Zurich, Switzerland

Authorised Reseller

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