#215 Bulk Import

Bulk Import IT Details to Analytic Manager


With the new Bulk Import feature, users will be able to allocate multiple FootfallCam counters into the Analytic Manager for report viewing with ease. The user will only need to import a single file with the details and counters will automatically allocate.

During project deployment, businesses may utilise a spreadsheet to keep track of the installation of all FootfallCam. With the Bulk Import feature, users will be able to import the spreadsheet into the Analytic Manager to import all credentials of the FootfallCam used in the project roll-out at once.

Tag Cloud

#people counting

#people counter


#3d people counter

#retail analytics

#footfall counter

#retail counting

#data analytic

#People counting technology

#people counting metrics

#Queue Counting

#Big data

#people counter in Netherlands

#queue analytics


#Data modelling

#footfall analytics

#people counting for Netherlands


#footfall counting

#traffic counter

#sales conversion

#video people counter

#people counting solution