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A Luxury Retail Store in France:

“Aesthetically Discreet, Real Footfall Data (No Staff Counted).”


Highest Quality People Counters

  • Aesthetically discreet – Does not interfere with interior decor, seamlessly fits into your store settings.
  • Accurate
    • Does not count staff; excludes them from footfall traffic.
    • Does not count security guards – Excludes guards hovering around the counting line.
    • Unique visitors – Accounts for the same person entering multiple times. 
  • Visit durations – Measures the duration of each shopping visit.
  • Integrates with the BI system at headquarters – Centralised data view combines sales, footfall, staff, and other datasets.
  • Comprehensive support – Stores spanning multiple regions and countries require fully managed field service.

Typical system designs for retail chains that are customer service-focus. 


Simple People Counting System, Configured to Perfection

  • 3D Pro2 with flush mount kit – discreet, blends in with the store’s decor.
  • A large tracking area – AI learns from the walk path pattern to differentiate,
    • Security guards who stay at the entrance for extended periods.
    • Meet-and-Greet Staffs opening doors for shoppers. 
  • Excluding staff entering and exiting store – 5x staff exclusion methods, Wireless staff exclusion button at the side of the entrance (most popular and recommended) 
  • FootfallCam V9 Cloud software – for system maintenance and, 
    • Store Performance dashboard
    • Live store sales dashboard
    • Shopper-to-Staff evaluation report 
  • Export data to Excel and PowerBI – Using PowerBI plugins (one of the 5x methods of data integration) for data analytics at headquarters.

 Flush Mount Kits Spec Sheet

  Staff-Exclusion Button Spec Sheet

  3D Pro2 Spec Sheet

Security Guard
 Meet-and-Greet Staffs
Wireless staff button to exclude staffs
Counting visitors entering/exiting


Measure the brand and staff performance based on the ‘sales signal’

See more metrics


Utilising FootfallCam V9 Cloud to analyse footfall patterns across different stores, identify visit profiles on various days, and ensure sufficient staffing to serve all customers at all times.

Store Performance Dashboard

Individual store overview. Benchmark against the best-performing store. Detailed profiles of visit duration, shopper demographics, percentage of frequent visitors, sales conversions, footfall profiles, etc.

Sales Ticker

Live sales progress tracker serves as a motivational tool to boost team morale and inspire store staff to work harder to achieve headquarters’ sales targets.

Integrate your BI System

FootfallCam data is automatically uploaded to the retailer’s HQ, for further analysis with other data. In addition FootfallCam offers complimentary weather, economic and catchment area demographics data for retailers to download and use. 

See other dashboard

Some of the Retailers that are using this solution:

Other Related Links:

Furniture Stores – Identify “Star Salesperson” to Optimise Sales ➜  Measure footfall and use AI modelling to learn about staff performance

Pharmacy Chains – In-store Shopping Journey Analytics ➜  Using ProWave to track the shoppers’ movement and product engagements

Electronic Stores – Demographics Analysis ➜ Using FaceCam to measure the age, gender and mood of the shoppers

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#Queue Counting

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#people counting for Netherlands

#queue analytics

#people counter in Netherlands

#footfall analytics

#Data modelling