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Integrating Occupancy Control and People Counting Technologies

 “FootfallCam’s Occupancy Control made our store safe during the pandemic. Now, People Counting continues to optimize operations, ensuring ongoing success.

– Woon en Slaap Almelo / Enschede

Woon Slaap Almelo install occupancy control system

Amidst the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, our entrepreneur sought an efficient solution to regulate store occupancy in Almelo and Enschede. Opting for the FootfallCam Occupancy Control system, dynamic access systems were implemented, complete with real-time displays to inform customers of current and maximum occupancy levels.


Post-pandemic, both locations continue to benefit from the People Counting options, showcasing a strategic decision that not only maintains a safe shopping environment but also facilitates data-driven insights. By leveraging turnover data, the entrepreneur has successfully optimized operations in Almelo and Enschede, reflecting the enduring value of innovative solutions in navigating evolving business landscapes. These installations embody a commitment to innovation, safety, and ongoing success in both locations.


  1. Local Case Studies in Netherlands“. by BeSuRe International.

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