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  • Optimizing Allocation of Staff Resources using Footfall to Staff Ratio 
Optimizing Allocation of Staff Resources using Footfall to Staff Ratio 

 “We managed to minimize labor cost wastage while maintaining customer satisfaction using FootfallCam Staff Roster Planner App. Staff planning is now based on concrete data, not guesswork.

– Laderach, Germany

Laderach staff planning

Staff Planning based on AI Recommendation

Laderach approached FootfallCam to optimize staff planning – How do we prevent under-staffing or over-staffing at different hours of the day? Is store location a factor to consider? Businesses often plan staff rosters based on “best guess” but this very often leads to wastage of resources.

FootfallCam’s Staff Roster Planner App recommends Laderach the ideal staffing level at different times of the day based on predicted footfall. Other factors like weather and holidays are also considered in the AI model. 

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