System deployment & optimisation service
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Support on devices, software, analytics and insights.
Offers support for customised solutions.
Global Partners, Industry Experts. Share Your Project Requirements and Explore Solutions with Us.
Where to Buy
FootfallCam extends its support for project deployment on a global scale.
Budući da mora obnoviti ratom razorenu zemlju i preći na liberalno tržište, Bosna i Hercegovina je pokazala pozitivan napredak u posljednjih nekoliko godina, te koristi FootfallCam šaltere za ljude u maloprodajnim objektima, trgovačkim centrima, uredima, fabrikama, javnim mjestima i autobusima za automatizaciju poslovanja i povećati profitne marže. FootfallCam ima partnere u Sarajevu, Banja Luci, Tuzli i Zenici koji su posvećeni prilagođavanju rješenja koje bi realizovalo strateško poslovanje.
Будући да мора обновити ратом разорену земљу и прећи на либерално тржиште, Босна и Херцеговина је показала позитиван напредак у посљедњих неколико година и користи ФоотфаллЦам шалтере за људе у малопродајним објектима, тржним центрима, уредима, фабрикама, јавним мјестима и аутобусима за аутоматизацију пословања и повећати профитне марже. ФоотфаллЦам има партнере у Сарајеву, Бања Луци, Тузли и Зеници који су посвећени прилагођавању рјешења које би реализовало стратешки посао.
Local Case Studies
Some of our local deployments across multiple industries.
Wireless Media, a digital service and software company, has implemented people counting system for its office. The sensor measures the traffic flow at the entrance, allowing the decision-makers to gain a real-time occupancy level of the office for office operation optimisation.
FootfallCam: Your Project Partner
Whether you are an end user or a reseller, we are eager to collaborate with you on your projects.
and I have a business requirement for people counting. I would like to explore if your products may help.”
and I would like to buy people counters in my country. Do you have any local representatives?”
and I am selling IT products in my region, and I am interested in adding People Counting products in my portfolio.”
We welcome bids of all sizes and all industry, regardless of whether they are at an early or later stage of the bidding process, we are eager to participate in your bids and collaborate with a partner to provide the best solution for your business needs.
Invite Us to Your BidOur Offices
Contact Us
Pencoed Technology Centre,
Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5HZ,
United Kingdom
+44-(0) 1344 937275
46 Abbotswood,
Guildford, GU1 1UY,
United Kingdom
+44-(0) 1344 937275
7101 TPC DR.,
Suite 130, Orlando, FL 32822,
United States
+1 (0) 321 320 8043
45-47 Man Yiu Bldg, G/F,
Man Wai Street, Ferry Point,
Hong Kong
+852 (0) 279 43188
51-2 Jalan SL 1/4,
Bandar Sungai Long, 43000 Kajang,
Selangor, Malaysia
+60-(3) 9011 2413
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