Buy Locally:
People Counting System with Support & Services

Global Partners, Industry Experts. Share Your Project Requirements and Explore Solutions with Us.

Buy With Local Support and Installation With Our Trusted Partners

Where to Buy

FootfallCam extends its support for project deployment on a global scale.

  • People Counting
  • Africa
  • Mauritius

People Counting in Mauritius

The economic history of Mauritius since independence has been called "the Mauritian Miracle" and the "success of Africa", and retail shops, offices, tourist attractions, resorts and public venues have widely deployed FootfallCam people counting devices to gain customer insights and increase revenues. Our trusted partners in Port Louis, Vacoas-Phoenix and Beau Bassin-Rose Hill are dedicated to supporting your traffic counting system and ensuring each business can achieve the expected ROI at a competitive price.

L'histoire économique de Maurice depuis l'indépendance a été qualifiée de « miracle mauricien » et de « succès de l'Afrique ». Les magasins de détail, les bureaux, les attractions touristiques, les centres de villégiature et les lieux publics ont largement déployé des appareils de comptage FootfallCam pour obtenir des informations sur les clients et augmenter leurs revenus. . Nos partenaires de confiance à Port Louis, Vacoas-Phoenix et Beau Bassin-Rose Hill se consacrent à soutenir votre système de comptage de trafic et à garantir que chaque entreprise puisse atteindre le retour sur investissement attendu à un prix compétitif.

Local Case Studies

Some of our local deployments across multiple industries.


    Rogers Capital Technology Services, a local partner of FootfallCam in Mauritius, have deployed people-counting systems for their clients such as Quartier des Serres, Teak World and Gap for continued success.

    Local Case Studies

    La Foir'Fouille in Grand-Baie, Mauritius, strategically employs FootfallCam people counters for comprehensive foot traffic analysis. This data-driven approach not only optimises staffing levels but also enhances inventory management, ensuring a seamless customer experience by aligning product availability with demand.

    Local Case Studies

    By installing people counters at their store entrances in Latvia, the leading footwear retailer Bella Donna gain valuable insights on visitor traffic patterns such as peak hours, helping them to make informed decisions about operational strategies.

    Local Case Studies

    Galaxy is an electronics store in under The BrandHouse. Its branch in Quatre Bornes, Mauritius, has installed FootfallCam people counters at the main entrance for accurate footfall analytics to gain insights about footfall pattern, which helps in making data-driven decisions.

    Local Case Studies

FootfallCam: Your Project Partner

Whether you are an end user or a reseller, we are eager to collaborate with you on your projects.

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I am an end user

and I have a business requirement for people counting. I would like to explore if your products may help.”

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I am an end user

and I would like to buy people counters in my country. Do you have any local representatives?”

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I am a reseller

and I am selling IT products in my region, and I am interested in adding People Counting products in my portfolio.”

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Local Partners

Share your needs with us, whether it’s for legacy system care or new device setup; we will find you an ideal partner

Contact Us
Rogers Capital Technolog

Rogers Capital Technolog

We provide professional services tailored to meet the unique needs and aspirations of our clients

Port Louis, Mauritius

Authorised Reseller

Alkatech Ltd

Alkatech Ltd

Altech Systems was setup to provide a professional service to the top retailers in Mauritius and Indian Ocean islands. With our global partners we strive to provide the most cost-effective retail focused solutions to our customers.

Beau Bassin, Mauritius

Authorised Reseller

Do You Have a Bid?

We welcome bids of all sizes and all industry, regardless of whether they are at an early or later stage of the bidding process, we are eager to participate in your bids and collaborate with a partner to provide the best solution for your business needs.

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+852 (0) 279 43188

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+60-(3) 9011 2413

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