System deployment & optimisation service
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Support on devices, software, analytics and insights.
Offers support for customised solutions.
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Where to Buy
FootfallCam extends its support for project deployment on a global scale.
تستخدم متاجر البيع بالتجزئة ومراكز التسوق والمكاتب والأماكن العامة والحافلات المغربية، أحد الاقتصادات الرئيسية في منطقة البحر الأبيض المتوسط وشمال أفريقيا، أجهزة استشعار تعمل بتقنية FootfallCam، مما ساعد على زيادة الإيرادات وتحسين التكاليف. يمتلك شركاؤنا الموثوقون مكاتب في الدار البيضاء والرباط وفاس وسلا، وهم ملتزمون بدعم أنظمة عد الأشخاص الخاصة بك بأفضل الأسعار التنافسية.
L'une des économies clés de la Méditerranée et de l'Afrique du Nord, les magasins de détail, les centres commerciaux, les bureaux, les lieux publics et les bus marocains utilisent des capteurs de comptage de personnes FootfallCam, ce qui a contribué à augmenter les revenus et à optimiser les coûts. Nos partenaires de confiance ont des bureaux à Casablanca, Rabat, Fès et Salé et se consacrent à prendre en charge vos systèmes de comptage de personnes au prix le plus compétitif.
Local Case Studies
Some of our local deployments across multiple industries.
Flormar has successfully integrated its legacy people counter with FootfallCam Analytic Manager Software. This strategic integration allows Flormar to gain advanced insights into customer traffic patterns, dwell times, and conversion rates, empowering the brand to make data-driven decisions
Swarovski in Morocco Mall strategically installs FootfallCam people counter in the store to understand popular areas which helps in strategically placing new arrivals, featured products, or promotional items where they are most likely to be seen by a larger audience, potentially increasing sales.
Ibn Batouta Mall in Tangier, Morocco, deployed FootfallCam people counters at the main entrance to gain footfall data which aids in making informed decisions about facility planning includng layout management and signage placement.
The beauty supply store, Secret De Beauté, has installed a people counter in its Rabat store. This installation allows management to understand customer traffic trends, providing full visibility into the effectiveness of their marketing efforts.
FootfallCam people counters are installed at various areas including the boutique, cafe and private garden in Jardin Majorelle, Marrakech. It helps with managing crowd flow to prevent overcrowding in specific areas.
Miro Home is a furniture and home products store in Morocco. They have installed FootfallCam people counters at the main entrance to track the footfall trend of customers entering and exiting the store. Understanding customer flow allows better operational planning for Miro Home's top management.
Yatout Home, a furniture retail chain in Morocco, launched FootfallCam people counters in their store in Maarif for footfall analytics to understand peak times and seasons for them to conduct promotional campaigns effectively and efficiently.
FootfallCam: Your Project Partner
Whether you are an end user or a reseller, we are eager to collaborate with you on your projects.
and I have a business requirement for people counting. I would like to explore if your products may help.”
and I would like to buy people counters in my country. Do you have any local representatives?”
and I am selling IT products in my region, and I am interested in adding People Counting products in my portfolio.”
Local Partners
Share your needs with us, whether it’s for legacy system care or new device setup; we will find you an ideal partner
Contact Us
We welcome bids of all sizes and all industry, regardless of whether they are at an early or later stage of the bidding process, we are eager to participate in your bids and collaborate with a partner to provide the best solution for your business needs.
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Contact Us
Pencoed Technology Centre,
Pencoed, Bridgend CF35 5HZ,
United Kingdom
+44-(0) 1344 937275
46 Abbotswood,
Guildford, GU1 1UY,
United Kingdom
+44-(0) 1344 937275
7101 TPC DR.,
Suite 130, Orlando, FL 32822,
United States
+1 (0) 321 320 8043
45-47 Man Yiu Bldg, G/F,
Man Wai Street, Ferry Point,
Hong Kong
+852 (0) 279 43188
51-2 Jalan SL 1/4,
Bandar Sungai Long, 43000 Kajang,
Selangor, Malaysia
+60-(3) 9011 2413
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