Swaransoft - FootfallCam Reseller
Swaransoft - FootfallCam Reseller
Swaransoft - FootfallCam Reseller
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Swaran Soft Support Solutions Pvt Ltd

Haryana, India | Sharjah, UAE

Customer Support

Local Warehouse

Technical Support

Why Swaran Soft

Swaran Soft is a leading digital transformation company with operations in India, Europe, Middle East & North America. Having served over 1000+ projects over the last 20 years, we bring best in class service & technology for our customers. Our partnership with OutSystems is a first step to serve our customers with speed. We work in close partnership with Microsoft, Automation Anywhere & OutSystems.

We Offer

Footfall Counting System

We provide People Counting System in India & UAE

  • Installation Services
  • Integration Services
  • Training & Support
  • Data Analysis Services
  • Maintenance & Support Services
People Counting Solution

The Ultimate People Counting Solution

In today's competitive business landscape, understanding customer behavior is more crucial than ever. That's where Footfall Cam comes into play—a state-of-the-art people counting device designed to provide precise, actionable insights into customer footfall. Whether you're managing a retail store, a shopping mall, a public facility, or an event venue, FootfallCam equips you with the data needed to make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, and drive profitability.

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Maximise Sales Potential with Tracker App

In the ever-evolving landscape of retail, the performance of stores can fluctuate widely. Some stores flourish, exceeding expectations and driving impressive sales figures, while others struggle to meet their targets. For sales managers, the question often arises: have we reached the pinnacle of our sales potential, or are there untapped opportunities for growth waiting to be discovered?

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Maximise Sales Potential with Tracker App

Dive into the realm of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics to design an effective and actionable dashboard.

Follow our steps to help you get started!

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Latest News


Transform Foot Traffic Data into Retail Insights!

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Capture your Store Visit Duration with our People Counting Device.

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Track the Direction of your Store Visitors.

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Get Accurate Data on the IN/OUT Count of Visitors with our People Counter.

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Trusted Clients

If you'd like a quick chat with our team, feel free to send us a message.