Understanding customer behaviours through quantifiable touchpoints is essential for retailers. To optimise operations and workflows with measurable data, FootfallCam offers the tools needed to meet this demand. For example, our apps measure uplift from promotional events, quantify the impact of various weather conditions, classify customers based on shopping behaviour, and ultimately help retailers maximise sales potential for each store according to its specific profile and customer patterns.
The reach of your store locations and their accessibility to potential customers.
The effectiveness of your branding and promotions in capturing target groups.
Learn customer behaviour, evaluate touchpoints, identify replicable actions.
Identify windows of opportunity and maximise conversion rates for prospects.
Innate Demand
Capture rate based on store location demographics.
#Location Analysis
Businesses often struggle to identify target market, leading to missed sales opportunities
#Location Analysis
Unclear store location accessibility can hinder growth.
Convert passer-bys from the street into store visitors.
#Marketing ROI
Having a store at a prime location may not guarantee higher store visits
Measure and identify popular areas/products. Quantify the effectiveness of each touchpoint.
#In-Store Engagement
Retailers often lack visibility into customers' shopping behaviour.
#In-Store Engagement
Store managers may struggle to pre-plan staff resources for fluctuating footfall.
Facilitate the conversion of engagement into sales
#Conversion and Sales Tracker
Each store is unique, making it challenging to set targets that maximise sales potential